Chapter 22: The Moon of Ruin

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Two years had passed. To Ava, it felt like he and Sylvie had said their goodbyes only a day or so ago, but of course, that was just a side effect of his body being in sleep-mode for so long. Two years, that's how long it took for his stealth ship to reach this mysterious new moon surrounding the planet known as Saturn.

The ship fell out of max speed as it approached the moon as Ava woke up from his two year slumber. He was woozy for a moment, trying to get his bearings back. That drunken feeling of waking up from deep sleep was one he'd never get used to. He was sat on a nice comfy seat, his head and chest jacked up to a power supply, the entire cockpit was tight, but he had enough space for a little palm-size keyboard and screen.

The screen itself showed the details of the moon he was approaching. This was one of the potential moons that housed the "Sanctuary". Whether the Human was dead or alive, he and Ava had an obligation to find it, and, of course, kill any Evo that got in their way. Hopefully Go-bot would be around too. But the moon itself was quite small, about the same size as a small country, and even then, it seemed like only a few areas were colonised.

The main capital then, it was best to probably land near these, past the black clouds that surrounded the moon and to the desolate snowy lands that lay below. Indeed, it was scary passing through the perpetual storm, Ava wondered if this was a permanent feature of the moon, being covered in black clouds. Either way, it made the entire place seem very sinister.

Ava's ship landed quite gracefully, as expected of a stealth ship, he opened up his cockpit and walked out delicately as possible, as if the ground beneath his would shatter if he stepped too hard.

The gravity was a fair 1g, the temperature was cold but surprisingly endurable, there was an atmosphere for sure.

A human could live here.

Ava looked up to the sky, the black storm clouds were unrelenting. Sure, a human could live here. But it'd be like living in hell.

The main machine city was a few miles north, he'd have to stealth his way in to the city and do a little reconnaissance, it was a shame he didn't have Sylvie to help with reconnaissance, this time he'd have to work on his own.

And so he marched into the fray.


The city was surrounded by a giant metal wall, ten storeys high. From what Ava could scan, there were no doors that let people in, rather, it seemed like some celestial cranes were dropping things from the sky, from where he was Ava couldn't really tell what the giant cranes were dropping, but they were huge. So there was no way in front the ground. In that case Ava would have to climb.

It was an arduous journey to the top of the wall, he had to bash his fist into the concrete walls again and again to create footholds for his to stand on, so climbing the wall itself took up a lot of his energy, and a lot of time. By the time he got to the top of the wall his joints were already red, steam was emanating from his body. He needed a little while to cool down.

The wall was thick enough for his to walk around and survey the city before his.

A "city"?


It was a massive scrapyard that went as far as the eye could see.

Piles and piles of Evo bodies, tall enough that they almost spilled out over the edge of the wall, that's what the majority of the city was. The paths were no more than spaces where junk had been moved to the side. There was the odd area here and there that was more open, but these were few and far between.

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