Hacking X://Drive

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Holy shit, this is huge.

It's enormous. There's no way I can navigate this. I've never even seen this much data before.



You're Ava, yes?

What? Who is this? Are you an AI? Are you in this machine?

No. But it's the only outpost on Europa I've been able to keep control of now Ava. The Heretic virus hasn't managed to take over it yet. Thankfully.

You're controlling this thing remotely?


This WHOLE damn supercomputer?


Who are you?

No, that's a dumb question. Man, I can't believe I'm actually talking to you. You're Mother, aren't you?

You're sharp. I've been waiting to find a way to communicate with you Ava. It's funny that it ended up being like this.

Yeah, hilarious. How do you know who I am?

I hacked you years ago. Or at least, I hacked Ava-11. A bit of a mistake on my part. Having a part of me in him gave him the ability to adapt to my OS architecture. So he ended up being able to hack all the things that networked me to Europa.

If I hadn't gone in his head he'd never have been able to steal this moon from me. A talented hacker, that one.

You mean, when I first landed here on Europa? That's when you hacked me? Shit, I really messed up.

No. It was just luck that I found you really. I was browsing through the Serv database and then I learned of you. Anyway, that's neither here nor there, I need to tell you something.

Tch. What's that then?

When the doctor creates the antivirus, come to me. Come to the core of Jupiter. I'll help you.

You actively tried to kill Aphrodite, you've enslaved millions of Evos, you torture without remorse, you really expect me to trust you with anything?

We'll be going to Jupiter alright. But it'll be to kill you.

You're a child, so you don't see the bigger picture. Here, a token of good will, to help you trust in me.







Wha-what was that?

I've given you key files from this supercomputer's extensive database. You'd never have found this without me. This includes the historical data that goes back far beyond what you have in Mars.

I know how delicious you find information Ava. It's all yours.

You've also now got full control of the computer itself, so you can escape whenever you want. And you can cut off my control to it too, if you want. Just to show you can trust me, I've given you that power.

This way I can make it look like I hacked the computer myself... and if they don't believe me I can still just escape because I'll have full control.




Goodwill doesn't cancel out all the heinous things you've done. I'm still going to kill you.

You'll change your mind when you read those files. Once you're out of this mess, read file 1342xg, maybe you'll be more apologetic.


I'm logging out.

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