A Dream

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A grotty day,

Mist in the air.


Still, even if it's not something you want to wake up to, it's still another day of your life that you get to live.

Ava said he'd come over today. Dad doesn't like him very much, thinks he's too smug and nosey.

I like that about him though so it's fine. Besides I'm in my twenties now, dad can't say who I do or don't hang out with.



Ava will see me and make me feel better. Yes.

Make me feel better about this nightmare I'm living. That we're all living.

My room's a mess, as usual, but it's not as much of as mess as the view of the city outside.

The capital really did get hit hard in the last attack, didn't it?


In two months they'll take me there, I don't know what'll happen. 

Maybe I'll die... Since they told me what would happen, I've felt like I've been living in a dream.

There's a giant timer counting down. Right over my head.

In two months my life will end.

I guess it doesn't matter,

But why do I feel like I'm living a life where I can't make my own choices?

Why... why does this feel like a dream?


I should get out of bed. It's almost midday.


I should wake up.

Sylvie woke up. She looked around, she was lying in a charging pod in Aphrodite's factory. Oh right, everyone had gone to retire after the talk with Lin and Rin didn't they? She must have woken up before everyone.

What was she dreaming about again?

Never mind.

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