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Ross's POV

I got up and finally decided today is the day I tell Laura how I feel. So, I got up and got showered. Put on some smart but casual clothes. Ran downstairs to find my mum Stormie in the kitchen.

"Morning sweetie, what's with the smile?" I chuckled before I replied.

"Today's the day I tell Laura how I feel" she just looked at me weirdly, but quickly smiled and wished me luck. I just shook off the feeling of a bad vibe she was giving. Something but that's not gonna stop me. As I got some breakfast my phone went off, I personalised my phone so when Laura texts or phone me and rings with her sweet giggle. Weird, I know. But that's me. I took my phone out to see her name on the screen which brought a smile to my face. I read the text.

L|"Hey, Ross wanna come over I need to tell you something, quite important"

I smiled because I know it's was cool to go over now. So I replied back quickly.

R|"Sure, I need to tell you something important as-well. Be there in a few ;)"

With that I finished off my breakfast and rushed my high-tops. Grabbed my keys and drove to Laura's. She was only about 5 mins away, convenient. I think not ;).

Once I arrived at her house, I took a deep breath and walked to her door. I waited about a minutes before the person who changed my life opened the door.

"Hey, come on in. We need to talk" I smiled hoping it wasn't something bad. She took my hand after closing the door. I swear every time she touches me, sparks fly. She took my to her room and gentle shoved me towards her bed. Playfully though, we do it all the time.

"So, Laur. What do you want to tell me as I need to tell you something too!" She looked at me with fear but quickly replaced it with a slightly worried expression. She was pacing slowly and taking deep breaths. I swear if she doesn't stop she's gonna pass out.

"Ross, I need you to know something. I have been feeling the need to tell you this since last week!" No way, is she going to tell me what I think she's going to tell me. If it is, it's gonna be a dream come true. She sits down next to me. And looks me in the eyes.

"I love you Ross" I didn't tell her my response, but more like physically showed it. I took her into a deep hug.

"What did you need to tell me Ross" she asked into my shoulder. I gently pulled away allowing her to move.

"What I wanted to tell you was that I love you too" her face was a picture. She brighten up so much that sun was begging for mercy.

And before we both knew it, we were leaning in, further and further until our lips touched. I swear the sparks...I felt like my stomach has just burst open.


We love each other, BEST DAY EVER!

(A/N What do you think? Comment below plz)

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