Chapter|13 [3/3]

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Laura and I were sitting at the top of the boat, just enjoying the view. It was beautiful, but not as much as my fiance. I sat with my arm lying across Laura's back, she had her head on my shoulder, breathing slowly. I leaned down and softly kissed her lips. But all I could think off was how was I going to do it?

The boat was coming to a stop in a few minutes so I have to wake Laura up. I kissed her forehead and she stirred a little, so I leaned down further and kissed her lips, she kissed back while waking up.

"Morning baby" I laughed a little smiling at her, she just rolled her eyes while kissing my cheek. I took her hand and stood up, I carefully helped her down the ladder, I looked ahead and saw a hill, it had a couple of trees and a little spot perfect for sitting, I started getting ideas for something.

Laura and I walked off the boat hand in hand, my mind was somewhere else thinking on how I was going to do something, I got taken out of my thoughts with a hand waving in-front of me. I looked down to find Laura looking concerned, shit.

"I'm sorry, OI'm just trying to figure something out" she smiled and looked ahead, that was close. I decided we would book a little hotel, that was the second part of my date, we were staying on this island tonight. I have a cousin that lives round here and she is the same age and size as Laura, I thought this through, I know what I am doing.

"Hey, I want you to meet my cousin, you'll get on great with her, she's your age" she just smiled and noticed. I took her hand into mines and walked in the direction of my cousin.

"So, what's your cousin's name?" I looked at her smiling, I brought her hand to my lips and softly kissed it.

"Emy-lee Collins, she's amazing" she nodded her head and continued walking with me.

We got to my cousin's house, I gently knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer, 30 seconds later, a tall girl answered.

"Hey cuz, is this your best-friend that you won't stop talking about" Oh, I forgot, not only did I not tell her I was now engaged but I also forgot she likes embarrassing me. I looked down blushing.

"Yeah, we need to talk" she nodded and stepped aside to let us in. I walked to the living-room and sat down, Laura sat next to me, I had our hands on my lap. Emz, as I call her walked in and saw her our hands, she looked confused. She sat down and waited for me to start, so I took a deep breath.

"Here's the thing, Laura is my best-friend" she just nodded.

"But then a couple of weeks ago, we both confessed our love for each other" her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped a little.

"I am so amazed, who made the first move?" Laura raised her hand and Emz just smiled.

"But there is something I need to tell you" she nodded.

"We're now in engaged" she sat there shocked.

"Aren't you rushing it-"

"Our mums arranged it on the night we became official, so it was a surprise to me to" she just nodded and looked ouf the window.

"That's amazing, I am so glad for you guys" I smiled and squeezed Laura's a little. I kissed Laura's hand then her lips and got up and went to the kitchen leaving Laura and Emz alone. I went to the kitchen and grapped a notepad and pen. I then wrote down;

Get Laura ready in something pretty for 7pm sharp, thanks cuz.

P.S. Do not say anything about this to Laura. It's important that you keep this to yourself.

I walked back into the living-room to find the T.V. on and Emz and Laura watching it, I went behind the couch and walked round to Emz. I gave her the note, she opened it and nodded.

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