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Laura was sitting down with her mother's hand in her own, I have to be honest. Ellen didn't look in good shape, she was pretty bashed up. Her face was all bruised, but yet she still found the strength to smile for her daughter. I felt tears threatning to show, but I held back for both Laura and Ellen's sake.

"Laura, can I talk to Ross in private for a second?" Laura looked at me and I smiled meaning it's ok. She smiled and came up to me, gave me a gently kiss and walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

"Ross, please come over here" I nodded and sat down where Laura once was.

"Now, tell me. You love my daughter?"

"More than anything Mrs Marano" I smiled knowing that will always be the truth.

"You will always looks after her?"

"Mrs Marano, I love Laura with all my heart, I have ever since I first met her. I have always known we were going to be closer. I never ever will let her go, I can promise enternity of love for your daughter" Laura's mum, just smiled.

"Thank you Ross, please look after her, and can you send her in. I would like to speak to her alone" I nodded and walked out of the room.

"Laura, your mum would like to talk to you" she gave me a smile and kissed me sweetly again, oh man. Those kisses are something that I will never get enough off. They send fireworks through my whole body with just one kiss. She had that much of an affect on me.

My eyes felt heavy so I shut them for a short while. I got my body being shaking slightly. I looked up to find a gorgeous face. But it had a sadness appearing all over it.

''How's she doing baby"

"Not so good"

"Listen Laura baby, I am praying for your mum, don't lose faith" She nodded and cuddled into my chest. We stayed until we were told to leave.

''Hey baby, want a Chineseor Italian?" she smiled and walked ahead, that's doesn't help.

"Baby, What would you like for dinner?"

"A small Chinese would be nice" I smiled finally getting my answer. We took a slow walk to the shop. Laura clung to shoulder, the streets were getting really dark, and to be honest. I am glad l have Laura at my side.

We ordered our food and waited.

"so, what doyou want to do When we get back?" l knew what she was asking and I honestly don't know What to say.

''How about we watch a movie with the food and then head to bed?" she smiled widely and nodded.

"Thank you Ross" I smiled at her wondering what she meant.

"For what?" she walked up to me, putting her hands on my chest.

"For being just you!" I smiled and leaned down to kiss her, she steps on her toes to close the gap. The kiss was sweet, tender and gentle. I let my hand roam through hair to the back of her neck!

"Food order for Lynch is ready!" I took my hand from Laura's hair and went to pick up the food and payed for it.

Laura and I walked back home hand in hand. But when we got back, there was someone sitting on our door step.

"Hello?" The person looked up and I swear I wanted to scream.

"Ross baby, why you still with this slut!" This bitch is making my blood boil.

"Laura is not a slut, your the slut! What did I tell you last time? Huh? STAY AWAY FROM ME AND MY FIANCÉ! GET LOST NOW BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE!" She nodded and walked by us. I thought we were done with her until Laura was taken from my grasp and loud screams filled the streets. I rapidly turned to find Maia trying to hear Laura up.


"No I won't Ross! This little whore ruined everything for me! She took away my Rossy and she took away my one chance of having you forever!" That was the last straw, I stormed up to her, grabbed her the neck! She was really pissing me off now!

"Maia, I'm trying my absolute best to be calm but your making it 1000% hard right now!" Maia and I were standing side in such a way Laura could see the side of our faces. She would see anything that Maia would try.

Maia just stared at me with lust in her eyes, mines were filled with disgust. Maia was leaning in but I slapped her face, she looked at me with a shocked face! She then kneed me downstairs, I fell to the floor in pain! All I could was screaming.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU HURT MY FIANCÉ. IF I CANT HAVE KIDS WITH HIM BECAUSE OF THIS, I WILL BE PERSONALLY HUNTING YOU DOWN AND MURDERING YOU MYSELF. GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR LIFES!" I noticed Laura had a grip of Maia's hair and she just threw her. I managed to get up off the ground and walked over to Laura, Laura turned and saw me and ran up to me. Helping me stay standing.

"Rossy, help me!" Maia had a cheek! I walked over to Maia and kneeled down to her, in so much pain that it hurt so much to be just doing this!


"Rossy?" She extended her hand for me to take. But I just looked at her, was she that fucking dumb?!

"Go rot in hell!" I stood back up and walked back to Laura! We slowly walked back the house! I phoned the police seeing at Maia was still on the ground! The police arrived 5 minutes later.

"Officer, that's her on the ground!"

"Ok Mr. Lynch! She won't be anymore trouble from now on!" I nodded and closed the door. Laura came rushing up to me and handing me a bag of frozen peas! OUCH!

"Thanks baby!" She just smiled and helped me sit down!

"Laura, can you drive me to the hospital tomorrow. I need to get myself checked out"

"Sure, I meant what I said! If she has damaged anything! I'm gonna kill her!" I smiled at her with some much love in my eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my shoulder.

"Hopefully I'll be ok!"

"Hope so, because I want to have kids with you!" I blushed hard, I don't know why! We have already spoke about this.

"What ever it takes. We will have kids!" She looked up to me and tenderly kissed me, I kissed back until we ran out of oxygen. We cuddled into the couch watching a movie until we fell asleep, since it was like, what? 10 or 11.

'Rough night!'

(I've noticed one of my readers asked why there was so much drama?! That's because I want to give myself something to think on so I can write more. (I have nothing against her! Just don't like RAIA!)(Well, there's Ellen and Maia coming back for her attempted revenge! Please comment on what you think should happen with Ellen and Maia! Please do tell me and also don't forget to vote)
(I may be saying I won't be able to update but I keep getting ideas so here you are IM OUT!)

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