300 Reads

80 15 10


Okay people I know you come here for deep poetry or prose but here is another side of me.

First off the updates are all queued depending on my wifi and as I explained in my last A/N, I'm on vacation in a village with my cousins.

It's really cool but one problem. There is really shitty wifi and I wasn't allowed to use it until I stole the password. ALSO I can't use my tablet often.

This is why I hadn't acknowledged it sooner.

It is 9 am currently and I woke at 5:45 to check my wattpad after what 6 days? And I saw this.

316 reads,  80 votes and #330 in poetry.

And I was like. What. What the hell. How.

And then they dragged me of on an hour walk at effing 6 am and I didn't even care because I was so godamned happy.

So thank you, so, so much everyone who read even one of my works and liked it and everyone who  voted. I can not thank you guys enough.

Also special thanks to Emmazeness and CourageousCass for being here with me, and literally forcing me to post the first poem.
Thank you for everything guys.

Ik the number that happy over isn't exactly the most but it's a HUGE  number for me. So once again thank you everyone for reading, voting, commenting and messaging me. I really really appreciate it. 

Also, feel free to message or DM me! It makes me really happy to see a message from you guys. I will check out your works if you want or you can just talk to me as a friend.

cough *God knows I need more of those*cough

so thank you all so much, I love you and stay superb.

Also thanks to you guys my aunt asked me what was wrong when she saw me grinning like a maniac for 75 minutes straight.

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