Your hands, soft and warm
Your palm rough and calloused
I adore them

Your hair soft and brown
Falling gracefully to your shoulders
I am enchanted

Your eyes, brown and flecked with gold
Framed by long lashes
I am captivated

Your lips, so soft and pink
Hungering for a kiss
Oh, teach me to deny thier wishes!

Your laugh, soft and melodious
Ringing in my ears for hours at end
I am spellbound to it

The sound of your laugh
The twinkle of your eyes
The purr of your words

The curve of your lips
The waterfall of your hair
The grace of your movements

Everything you do, everything you say
All you think and write
I am irrevocably in love

From your flaws to your perfections
From your mind to your skin
I'm in love with it all

I I love everything about you
All these little things adding up to you
And finally I reach my conclusion

I love you

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