1k votes.

That's ONE FUCKING THOUSAND people who like this.




I promised you an articulate chapter so, here goes....

On June 30th 2017, someone decided to release a book. A book filled with poems and prose that they have and will continue to write. They decided to publish it, thinking no one will read it and not minding because they were doing it because they enjoyed it.

on July 18th, said person woke up to see the book had 64 reads and 30 votes and they were overjoyed. they never expected to see so many people reading it, but yet people did and some even enjoyed it. She posted a little note thanking them.

On July 8th, this person was on a vacation they were somewhat enjoying. they turned on their tablet and saw that the book had 300 views and she ran around showing people and they were happy, yet no one was as happy as them, the next morning, they posted another chapter thanking people. They knew it was overrated and cheap and pretty badly written but they did it anyways.

On July 27th, they realized they have a thousand views, and they freaked out. They jumped around the house, screaming at people, emailed people, thanked people and everyone thought they were crazy, but they didn't care.

Then it grew more and more, and they thanked people more and more, and people started liking it more and more, and when they were at their lowest, seeing a nice comment made them break down because they were so happy.

that person was me.

And now I have ONE THOUSAND AND SEVEN votes and THREE THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-EIGHT reads. It's not a big number for a lot of you, but for me, this is huge. I never expected this, I'm not used to it and I'm fucking happy. 

I love you all so, so much. All of you but there are a few people I want thank personally.

To Emmazeness for being here all the time, for giving me time when I needed it but alsospamming me to update. For being there when I was at my lowest, for being thereto console me when I broke down completely, for laughing at me when I embarrassed myself, for loving me. It's been an absolute pleasure to be your friend, Khanum.

To @CourageousCass For being my best friend, providing valuable feedback, telling my you hate my writing(thanks for mentally abusing me), for all those 4 am, exam conversations on the toilets, the memes, and those long desi swear conversations (Auntie Cass).

To @thedamfangirlfeels For being my rock, for helping me up whenever I fell, for loving me, for the positive memes, for the long conversations where to talk about absolutely nothing yet everything. I love you, bhaloo.

To @daddypiggfor being so positive and lovely all through this. I love and appreciate you so much, don't you forget that.

I hope this number continues to grow and I have more friends (I need more, plz, Im lonely). I will continue to update and write and maybe even start A SECOND BOOK (god help us all).

I love you all, I appreciate you all, and I need you all. 

Thank you, and stay awesome!

Midnight WordsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon