My light, my hope, my savior

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That's all I've ever known.

My world had been doused in darkness for as long as I could remember.

There was a time, a time when my world was filled with color.

Blue, like the depths of the ocean, like the sky on a sunny day.
Green, like spring grass, cool and refreshing.
Red, a deep red like rich blood.
There was no black no grey.

But slowly they all faded to grey.
Until that turned black.

I was blinded and helpless. I kept calling for help, I screamed myself hoarse but no one came.

I grew used to it.

Soon enough, the day came when I decided to close my eyes, shut them forever and embrace the darkness forever, it happened.

A light.

A light, faint and flickering, burning in the distance, so so far, yet, it was there.

I can't tell you how much joy and happiness rushed through me at that very moment. 

I was saved.

I ran. I ran like it was the only thing  I have ever known. I ran and I ran and I ran until I couldn't. I got stronger with every step I took, with every intake of breath, with every second that passed, I dared to hope, to imagine a life full of light and colors.

I can't tell you how much time passed for I don't know myself. Maybe it was days, weeks, months even years, I don't know.

Then came the day, I stopped. 

I stopped and looked at it.

 A bright orb bright and beautiful , illuminating my previously dark surroundings, stood in front of me. I was there.

I was at my goal.

I took the last few steps towards it and reached out a hand towards it, inching closer and closer, slow and cautious, until finally my index finger brushed ever so gently against it.

And at that moment, it disappeard.

In place of it, stood you. 

Your lips, dark maroon, your body, slight, fragile but so strong, your hair, so soft, your skin, smooth, soft and so kissable.

And your eyes.

Your eyes were were beautiful. A deep brown, a few shades lighter than your hair, shining with joy and warmth. I could see the cracks in them, a broken gemstone, glittering and bright. Everybody wants even though they are broken, because they are invaluable. 

Your eyes were the unforgettable eyes of a warrior.

It was that day, I vowed to piece you back together, to make you whole again.

Neither of us were.

 from there we continued our journey, together. With each step, my-no our  world grew brighter.

We still continue the walk, all those years later but look where we've reached. There were times I was about to give up, but you lead me on. There were times you fell, but I helped you up, despite your protests. We face the darkness together.

That is why I owe everything to you. My light, my hope, my savior, my lover. 

Thank you.

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