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ebony hair and sapphire eyes

a shy glance and a charming smile

and the only word spoken was a hi

Oh, don't you know first impressions matter?

fussed up hair and blood-shot eyes

a hiccuping sob and a forced smile

and no words, just crystallized pain

flowing in sapphire droplets down the pale canvas

morning hair and tired eyes

a coffee in hand and kissed lips

a lovely laugh and a loving smile

staring as if they were your very world

But what I don't get 

is you cry and scream

and yell and break

and run to me in ragged sobs

You come to me for a laugh

as a source of comfort

and you go on about your love for me

and remain oblivious to mine for you

And what I don't understand 

as to how a smart person

can be so blind, so stupid

to find a lover in a double act

And you sideline the one who loves you

 you look in their eyes and smile 

and remain oblivious to the tear-stained cheeks

and the faked smile

And I know you'll come back

with drunken lips and tears running

because a part of you knows

That I was the one who truly loved you

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