How dare you

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The heart monitor beeps steadily
but my heart doesn't 
my breathing is labored
But darling, I'm not the one dying

Your eyes show acceptance not fear
Oh no, the fear is in mine
Oh, tell me, how can you look so peaceful
While you're the one dying?

You keep talking 
you keep reliving our years
but you aren't crying  looking back
Oh no, those tears, they are all mine

And when you draw in your last breaths
you look so peaceful, so calm
And when the shrill beep of the monitor rings out
Why aren't you the one screaming?

Why didn't your screams ring out through the hospital?
why didn't your tears wet your shirt?
Why did your heart stop beating
instead of mine?

How dare you look asleep 
while  tears stain my cheeks permanently?
How dare you look so peaceful
While my world breaks apart?

How dare you die
instead of me?
how dare you stop breathing
while mine come out heavy and labored?

How dare you leave me alone?
How dare you die?
How dare you love me
and then leave me and go?

Midnight WordsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt