The promise to the Tree

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Out of the hustle and bustle of the cities
Far up in the mountains
Sits a tiny village
Where silence is louder words

With trees so green
And streets so clean
The rain so cool
And the water so pure

The nights were quiet
The days were bright
You could eat all day and not feel full
You could walk on for hours and not tire

The forest paths were twisting
The trees stood tall and friendly
The birds sing the morning away
And the crickets chirped the whole night

You don't mind waking early
You don't mind the insects
You don't get bothered by the cold
And the constant rain is pleasant

Breakfast in the balcony with the birds
Lunches on the outskirts of the village with the trees
Evenings spent with plenty games of trumps and tea
While dinners were a pleasant affair

So when the time to return to the stuffy city streets came
No one wanted to leave
The last day was quiet
While the last night was busy

The next morning
The trees seemed to be bowed with sadness
The birds did not chirp
Nor the animals seemed their usual selves

So the little boy went outside
And put his hand on the trunk of the saddest tree
He closed his eyes and promised the leaves
That he'll come back

The trees called them again next year
The little boy, overjoyed went to the tree
Shut his eyes with a smile and said
"See? I told you I would come back."

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