Lost at sea

21 9 1

A lovers' plea 

has been lost at sea

Oh see, can you see it?

his words float as skies and waves

ship wreck, shaky breath

You turn your head away to let those tears fall

his last words all around us

all dedicated to his lovers heart

A lock of hair

in a pouch threadbare 

Oh child, It matches your

he  had kissed it in his last hour

time had ticked

as the truth had hit 

he was leaving

he left a bitter smile at his parting

He wanted to give a ring

to place it on your finger

a ring of the purest gold and silver

but he wanted to give it quicker

A lovers tale 

of hardships in vain

all he wanted was coin

to buy a ring and make you his

And now he's gone

and thrown it all

for a ring you would've gotten anyways

but it won't be his fingers placing it

a different hand a similar ring

a sadder heart, a sadder smile

a broken heart whispering curses

to a sleeping heart lost at sea

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