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A/N: So if you've been reading my messages, you'll know i was pretty upset because of a certain reason. Anyways, I'm still not over it but I want to make sure that all you struggle out there know that you aren't alone. Im here, your friends are there. Suicide is not the answer. Jaxon James Kyler previously on  JayTheEmo294, this is in your honor.

You're all alone in this world

at least that's what you feel

there are people standing behind you

people who would live and die for you

Jumping off that bridge won't help

spilling all that blood wont numb the pain

Taking those pill will kill all you love with you

That rope around your neck won't just suffocate you

In life, you gotta learn to embrace the pain

smile, while it tears you apart

All these people will stay by you through it all

but in turn, you have to survive this hell of a life

In those final moments, think not why you need to go

But why you need to stay

think of the people who'll cry by your cold body

rather than the ones who'd smile

Live for us, if not for anyone else

we need you, even if they do not

you're a hero in making, never forget

A hero we'll all stare at in wonder, just you wait

So put down that razor

put your feet back on the ground

because once your lost,

another you can never be found

Midnight WordsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora