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Adeline was angry at Owen and she had the feeling everybody knew it. " I don't see why your so upset at me Adeline, I saved your life!" Owen huffed as she glared at him. " Owen do you know what happens when you open the rift?" She asked him her bloodshot eyes staring right at him.
" Are you alright Adeline you look horrible." Owen frowned at her and she only gave him a small smile.
" I don't blame you Owen, but since you opened the rift you also unintentionally wounded me." Adeline sighed. " Wounded? I looked all three of you over when you came back Adeline. You're not hurt." Owen pointed out confused. " I'm connected to the rift Owen when you opened the rift you not only tore time apart you also have given me the world's worst headache among other things." Adeline explained.  " So you being connected to the rift gives you headaches? I am sorry Adeline, but headaches wouldn't do that to a person." Owen gestured to her. " The other things are nightmares, seizures, sickness, and parts of my body go completely limp at times Owen. So to answer your question earlier Owen I am no way in Hell alright." Adeline answered snarkily. " I'm sorry Adeline I didn't know." Owen tried to apologize. " Yes you didn't and now we must all pay the price." Adeline growled. Owen was about to respond when she collapsed to the ground her leg going completely limp.
" You alright?" He asked going to her side immeditley. " I thought we went over this already." She snapped.
" Owen's just worried about you Addie and he has the reason to." She turned to see Jack had entered the room with Ianto at his heels. " I know I'm just tired Jack." She sighed focusing her attention on her leg.
" You should of told me Addie." He scolded her. " You can't help me Jack, but thank you for everything." She told him before she flinched the feeling coming back to her leg. "Addie  go get some rest we'll deal with the rift alright." Jack assured her. " Thank you Jack." She smiled at him before she turned to leave. " Do you need someone to walk you home?" He asked. " If you can spare someone it might be nice in case something happens." She said tiredly honestly surprised she was accepting the help.
" Ianto go with her please." Jack told him. He nodded and the two left Torchwood. " So what exactly is happening with you?" Ianto asked.
" The rift being opened has messed with me. Can you do me a favor?" She asked her voice quiet. " What do you need Adeline?" He asked. " Make sure the rift dosn't get opened, no matter what." She told him her voice was shaky and she wished she could keep the shake out of her voice. " Of course Adeline you have my word." Ianto told her as she came to her apartment. " Thank you Ianto." Adeline told him before she went inside immeditley falling asleep.
Adeline was in a light blue room that she hadn't seen in years. " Corrine mother wants both of us to come talk to her!" Her sisters voice called and she slowly turned to see her sister her blonde hair up in a ponytail as she came up to her. Adeline looked down at herself to see she was in a light blue dress and her hair was curly.
" Alright I'll be there Kathleen." She told her sister with a grin following her to where her mother was.
" Corrine your father has been short tempered lately and I'm worried for your brother. I need you to take him to another planet away from here and change his DNA." Her mother told her handing over her 5 year old brother. " Yes mother." She said quitley and she was silently praying that this was not actually happening. She dropped her brother off at Galifrey home of the Time Lords before returning home which was chaos. Her father was fighting Kathleen who was standing protectively over their mothers body." Kathleen!" She called running to where her sister stood adrenaline running through her body. " Corrine get out of here!" Her sister told her barely dodging her father's attack. "I'm not leaving you." Adeline said before joining her sister. " You can't stay here, you'll die Corrine." Her sister yelled grabbing her wrist and pushing her away." Then I'll die by your side where I belong." Adeline told her. " Well then I hope you can forgive me for this." Kathleen said tears in her eyes before she was teleported, but not before she saw her father run a sword through her. " No!" Adeline shouted as She dissapered.
~end of dream~
Adeline shot out of the bed panting hard. Grabbing her guns she walked outside only to see Abaddon walking around. " Of course they did." Adeline muttered before using her telepathy skills to find Jack's mind and teleport to his location. When she landed she saw them all turn to look at her. " Can you fix this?!" Gwen asked and she could hear the panic in her voice. Adeline couldn't respond as she bent over throwing up. " I'm sorry we had to do it." Ianto told her as he supported an injured Jack. " You don't have to do anything Ianto it was your choice and now I have to pay the price." She snapped at him preparing herself to get Abaddon's attention.
" What price?" Jack asked demandingly. " I hope Jack that you have gotten to know me well enough to help me, because I don't know how I'll survive without it." Adeline told him and with that she sprinted up to Abaddon. " Abaddon I am Adeline Corrine Jackson and I have come to defeat you using the powers I hold I send you back!" Adeline shouted unleashing her powers that would most defiantly draw attention to herself from unwanted people. Energy flowed around her attacking Abaddon before finally pulling him back into the rift. She saw Jack run over to where she was standing.
" Protect me?" She told him and he gave her a confused look before catching her as she collasped unconscious.

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