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Adeline knew something was wrong when she walked into Torchwood and someone she didn't know was there.
" Who are you?" She demanded narrowing her eyes. " Come on Addie it's me Adam." "Adam" said and he put his hand on her shoulder and she saw him try to change her memories, but she snapped out of it grabbing his arm and snapping it like a twig. " You dare try to change my memories." Adeline seethed. " Woah Addie what's gotten into you?" Jack asked pulling her away from Adam. " He's what's gotten into me now let me go so I can kill him." Adeline growled as Adam gave her a confused and pained look. " He's our friend Addie not someone you kill." Jack argued. " When have I ever been wrong?" Adeline asked him and for a second Adeline thought she had him until another figure joined them. " When have we given you a reason to doubt us?" Aliyah asked and Adeline gave her a shocked look.  " How did he get to you too Aliyah you're psychic."Adeline stated extremely frustrated at what this man was doing to her team. " Exactly maybe it's not what Adam is doing to us but what someone is doing to you. "  Aliyah countered. " Fine if you don't believe me than I quit. " Adeline fumed.
" Addie you're being ridiculous. " Jack sighed.  " Call me when everything goes wrong with Adam, but nothing else. " Adeline said her eyes glaring straight at Adam she turned to leave, but her whole body froze. " I'm sorry Corrine, but if someone's messed with your mind I can't allow you to leave. Aliyah sighed. " First my name's Adeline now there's a difference and 2nd of all you could never beat me Aliyah." Adeline sighed. Adeline focused on her connection with Aliyah and showed all the people in her mind that only included her and The Doctor. " She's completely on her own free of will unless it's me that's controlling everyone which I would never do." Aliyah said confused. " Is it possible someone could be controlling you to control the rest of us?" Ianto asked. " You got that Jackson?" Aliyah asked and Adeline nodded looking into Aliyah's mind now that she wasn't frozen. " There's a connection I don't know in her mind, but I have no clue who it is." Adeline sighed. She had been so busy with Aliyah that she didn't notice Adam until he put a knife to her neck. " It's all your fault they noticed." He hissed. " So I was right about you." Adeline growled.
" Congrats Sweetheart, but I do have to ask how you didn't get your memories changed." He purred. " You see Adam Adeline here just happens to be the most powerful being in the universe." Jack smirked. " Except her father." Aliyah added. Then Owen stabbed Adam, but he only flinched keeping his grip on Adeline. " You can't kill me so you can stab me all you like." Adam grinned. " Um Adeline how do we get rid of this thing?" Owen asked his voice was panicked. " Like he said you can't." Adeline choked out as he pressed the knife closer to her neck. " Good girl." He purred putting his hand on her shoulder and she gasped images flying through her mind. " Stop get out of my head." She pleaded her father was everywhere she looked he let go of her and without his support she completely collasped. " Adeline!" She heard someone yell, but when she turned all she saw was her sister.
" Kathleen." Adeline whispered. " Why did you leave me sister." Kathleen asked her eyes watery. " I would never leave you." Adeline cried. " Yet you ran like a coward you could of healed me before I died and together we could of defeated our father. Saved the world from all the misery he has brought." Kathleen said angrily. " Corrine Marina Jackson snap out of it!" A voice shouted and her eyes snapped open and she saw Jack was sitting beside her while Aliyah fought off Adam. " Jack." She choked out hoarsely. " You alright?" He asked. " No." Adeline cried and Jack just wrapped her in a hug. " A little help?!" Aliyah yelled as Adam now had her pinned against the wall as she thrashed. " I'll be right back." Jack promised he ran over to help Aliyah. Adeline tried to stand, but she fell back down. Luckily Tosh caught her before she fell. " Careful Adeline your still weak." Tosh said pushing her back to the ground. " I'm the only one who can defeat him I have to go." Adeline argued as Jack and Ianto tried to distract Adam away from Aliyah who was still gasping on the ground from Adam. " No you need to recover Adeline he did a number on you." Owen ordered. " You can't control me Owen and I know you can't beat him." Adeline growled pushing herself off the ground. She walked over to Adam before dodging a punch ment for her face she put a hand on his shoulder her eyes flashed turning into galaxies and Adam screamed. She thought about tearing him apart atom by atom her features changing to her original form the only one with all of her powers his screams was the only thing she could hear and the screams never stopped. As soon as he was gone Adeline turned her eyes flashed dangerously and she could see everyone was staring shocked at her. " Corrine it's alright we aren't going to hurt you." Aliyah started, but Adeline or now Corrine flew her against the wall. " That's all anyone says, but I'm not the same. 14 million years I've waited for someone to save me while I was being tortured. While I still am and I can't take it anymore!" Corrine yelled and Aliyah was knocked unconcious. " What do you mean?" Jack said confused and she guessed he was trying to distract her while Owen ran over to Aliyah. " Adeline told you she had gotten captured by her father as Corrine and I'm still there as you should of guessed. The other form of me is stuck in a box not able to move or do anything, but think about her past and relive all of her pain. All I do is suffer and I'm tired of it." Corrine screamed power surrounded her and she could see fear in his eyes, but he took a step towards her. " Then let me help you. You are still my best friend weather or not you are Corrine or Adeline." Jack said softly and Corrine looked shocked for a second before her eyes turned cold again. " How can you possibly help me mortal. You are stuck on this Earth and even if you manage to get to Glactic palace where my father lived you will die." Corrine scoffed. " I can take some of the pain away. You don't have to suffer alone and when I find The Doctor again I will save you." Jack promised. " He won't want to save me Jack. I've kept a secret from him and when he learns it he will hate me for the rest of my life, but I will take you up on the other part of what you said if you are still willing." Corrine said and Jack nodded firmly. She hugged him opening her mind to his and he gasped and Corrine stepped back letting go as Jack cried from just a taste of her pain. " What have you done to him!" Ianto screamed. " He wanted to take some of my pain so I gave him some." Corrine shrugged. Ianto looked at her shocked before Jack spoke from his spot. " I'm so sorry Corrine." He said and Corrine only gave him a sad look. " I'm sorry too, but if it makes you feel better it helped thank you Jack Harkness for being the first in almost 10 million years to care about me that much." Corrine thanked him then her curly hair turned straight, her skin tanned, her clothes changed from the light blue to a leather jacket with a tank top plus white jeans, combat boots appeared on her feet, and her eyes changed to the familiar green of Adeline before she collapsed to the ground.

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