Friend Or Foe

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This raid went along quite smoothly, the way I always hope for. We also secured many valuables with this one. Once all my men were gathered back on my boat we set sail. As I was looking over my newfound items and having the men take them to storage a ear shattering scream echoed through the ship. Immediately my defenses went up thinking one of the women was in distress. Taking off in a sprint I ran toward the hallowing screams.

Seeing Charles holding a seemingly petrified girl in his arms I arched my eyebrows questionably. This girl was thrashing about, clawing at his face, until I strode over and gave her a firm yet curt smack. I knew this wasn't one of my girls. Looking her in the eye's I growled. "Listen good. The more you fight the worse your life here will be. Now shut all this yelling off immediately. Understood?"

She replied with a sob as I helped Charles lock her away. Once the girl was secured I looked irritable in Charles direction. "What's the meaning of this? Did I not make myself clear the last time a girl was drug upon my ship?"

"Yes Captain, very clear. I'm not responsible for taking this chit. This was all Aiden's doing".

That hard headed bastard I muttered then a voice laced with sarcasm I snarled. "Where is the bastard at?"

"I'm guessing his room Captain probably busy at the moment"

"Why ever would he be busy Charles?"

"He was in the process of taking what he wanted from the girl when Silver happened upon him. She wielded a knife at him but Aiden overpowered her.  Then Silver offers herself up in place of the girl as long as he promised to never bother the girl".

I didn't wait to here more. At the mention of Silver in such a predicament and knowing Aiden would even consider touching what was mine molten lava coursed through my veins. Finally coming upon his door I kicked it in and my eye's instantly sought out Silver. My kitten was huddled in the corner pale from fright, her shirt at her feet while her arms covered her chest. Tears streaked her swollen cheeks where obviously Aiden had hammered her with a few blows. Then there he was with his puny excuse of a dick in his hands feeding off of Silver's fear. Without anymore thought I pulled my gun from my waistband and sailed a bullet into the side of his head. The satisfaction it gave at seeing his daft brains explode was unexplainable.

Coming back down from my adrenaline rush I heard the frantic screams from Silver. She had hunkered down onto the floor cradling her hands over her ears as she screamed hysterically. Putting my gun away I walked over to her and squatting down next to her I whispered. "Shhhh.... My kitten. Your safe now. Did he hurt you?"

Her screams went silent but she remained mute. Clearly she was in shock from fear and seeing me commit a murder in front of her. Scooping her up bridal style I carried her to my room and placed her on my bed. Her hands still remained over her ears and her eye's tightly shut. Pushing my intercom I sent for the doctor and then ordered a mushroom and pineapple pizza. Moment's later Doc announced himself. After looking her over he claimed she was perfectly fine but suggested something to help her sleep for the night. Doc had just finished up with the shot when the pizza arrived. Once my room was cleared I spoke ever so softly. "Kitten, I got your favorite pizza here. Come,  eat".

Nothing. Not a word, not any movement, not even a sniffle. Rising I went over and tucked the down comforter snuggly around her. "Sleep my kitten, we will talk tomorrow".

Taking a seat by the bed I soon noticed her even breathing as she dozed peacefully. How will she ever forgive me was my constant thought. Yes, I admit I was so much in the wrong. Sadly it took her nearly getting raped for the fog to lift and my grudge to melt away. Now I was swamped with pounds of guilt. How could I do this to the one I loved? Looking at her frail, tiny form curled in my bed I wanted nothing more than to wrap her in my arms and kiss all her pain away. Then reality really hit me... Silver may never forgive me, she may never want me again.

There's no way I could blame her, she's done nothing wrong or nothing to deserve what I've put her through. I'm to blame for it all. She wasn't in the wrong when she went out with another guy. Hell I still kept Leyla around for my needs which reminded me. Standing I went to Silver and ran my hand through her once silky locks and saw the hack job Leyla did to her hair. Biting back anger I silently made a promise  to Silver, Leyla would be placed off my ship forever at my next port. Silver will never suffer at anyone's hands again. My poor kitten was so damaged now and I'm at fault.

The biggest question still remained for me though, was I willing to give up this sea life for love? That's if Silver would have me once again. Nestling in the bed beside her I gingerly placed my arm over her. How could I even look her in the face when she woke. For the first time in my life I was utterly and fully scared. I was scared of a bity woman. I was scared what her reaction to me would be now. The one thing I was certain I wasn't scared of anymore was love. I unconditionally loved this beautiful lady snuggled into my bed with every ounce of my being, I was sure of it. It may take time to regain Silver's love and trust but I vowed I'd give it my dumbest try and only hope for the best.

This pirate finally would listen to his heart.

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