Half a heart(Harry Styles)

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Tessa young



Tessa - has hazel eyes long curly light brown hair with blue tip highlights slightly freckles across her nose dimples long legs singer



"LOOK mommy the duckys "I squelead in excitement my long brown curly hair bouncing as I jumped up and down my mother laughed "go feed them my love" I nodded and.she handed me a piece of bread

I ran as fast as my 4 year old legs could take me I bumped heads with someone I frowned as I fell to the floor I looked up only to lock eyes with green eyes

my eyes widened and his did to

"H-hi my names Tessa "I said smiling

he smiled showing off his dimples "Hi I'm Harry"he said smiling

that's how me and Harry met


"so I heard your going to go leave for the x-factor "I smiled weakly he nodded "Yeah I am but I doubt I'll make it so I'll be back soon"Harry chuckled lightly

I shook my head "No Harry don't say that you'll make it OK I promise "I said my voice cracking and finally I lost it I broke out in sobs I latched myself to Harry hugging him as he wrapped his arms around me

"Don't worry Tessa I will always remember you OK I promise that I give you half a heart my heart just don't forget me"Harry whispered in my ear I nodded "I promise Harry I will always remember you and I give you half of a heart. my heart"I croaked

I hered a honk and then I broke out into sobs again before he left he wrapped half a heart around my neck and he pulled out his connecting the heart together he kissed my forehead and whispered "goodbye Tessa "as he got in the cab I watched it go away I fell to my knees sobbing he's gone

me and Harry called each other, texted,skyped I watched how he got put in with a band called one direction they lost and then they got signed with SYSCO by Simon and then he stopped contacting me.

I made it into modeling and became a Singer but I changed I don't know when but I did my own mother disowned me my father left us for some slut and now I am a whole new person but now I just don't care I learned that the hard way



I was dressed in a light pink dress with a long floral print cardigan and black pumps with my curly hair cascading down my back I walked out onto the stage the crowd clapped and cheered I sat down on the seat I was at a interview

"So Tessa don't you look rather ravishing today"Macy the interveiwer spoke grinning but I could see through her she was not nice and I was in for a big surprise

"thank you Macy so do you"I lied smiling at the end ugh I dislike her already "Now we see your back and have massive hangover "she said smirking I smiled bigger "Oh no I'm sorry but I don't I have my career to focus on"I said beaming

"Then what's this "she spat I glared at her before looking on the huge TV she has there it showed me taking shot after shot grinding again different guys kissing one of them then walking out with one and flipping the paps off and saying 'I don't give a fuck ' I frowned as her smile grew bigger and bigger I looked at her "It was nothing just one of those nights you just happened to catch me at a wrong time " I spoke quietly I thought I solved the problem professionaly

"so what your saying is that when your having a rough time you should go out whore around and get hammered is that the kind of image you want to set out for your fans" she spoke sincerely Oh now she's playing the caring person

"No I never said that stop putting words in my mouth "I spat

"but you did you said I was at a rough time so I went to alcohol to help me"she spat

"you know what here's a little advice "I said looking out into the crowd

"Look at you. You're young. You're scared. Why are you so scared? Stop being paralyzed stop swallowing your words stop caring about what other people think wear what you want say what you want listen to the music want to listen to.play it as loud as fuck dance to it go out for a drive at midnight and forget you have work the next day stop waiting for Friday live now do it now take risks tell secrets this life is yours"I finished my advice and smiled "wait"I cut her off "no were done here"I spat I waved at the camera then blew a kiss towards it

Oh boy modest management is going to be pissed I didn't think they had a video and I walked out of a interview my driver was taking me to their company I have also told them not to make me go to stupid ass interview like that

I got off marching down the long hallway I didn't care if they had a meeting Yeah Yeah call me selfish but it was for a good cause

I swung the door and shut it I looked at Steve and the rest of management

"Did you see the interview "I spat he glared at me "Yes Tessa I saw it what do you have to say about it Oh hold on give me your phone"he said roughly I groaned and handed it to him

"that's not the point Steve you set me up with a interview that you know I hate all she fucking did was turn my words around and make me look like a bad idol Oh but she was miss innocent I hate those interview Steve and you do just to piss me off gosh if I didn't notice you guys control my every move tell me to go out because you guys want me to gave a bad -"I was shouting already but stopped as I felt five pair of eyes on me Oh shit I'm in more trouble now they had clients here I turned around and my eyes widened

Oh my God



I know a little short but this was just a starter I also promise the chapters will be much longer

kisses Lottie

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