Chapter 26

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    I walked down a park thinking and licking my Tea from Starbucks . I looked around and saw kids running and laughing I felt a tug on my skirt and I looked down to see a little girl with goldon brown hair like mine " I know who you are" she spoke shyly I kneeled down " Oh yeah and who am I gourgeous" I spoky smiling she giggled and blushed " Your Twessa" she said I laughed at how she said my name it was cute " That's right now what's your name" I said she looked at me with her big brown eyes " I'm Rosey" she said " Oh my god Rosey there you are" her mother yelled .

" Sowwy mommy but look who it is it's Twessa" she squealed at the end I laughed " Oh hun leave the poor girl alone she doesn't have time" her mother spoke I frowned a bit " Do you want a picture" I said she nodded really fast her mother laughed " Are you sure" she asked looking at me " Positive" I said.

 I picked up the little Rosey and she gigled " Cheese" the mom said I made a goofy face and so did Rosey I took of my bracelet from my wrist and put it on Rosey " Keep it Rosey and it was nice meeting you" I said tickling her a bit as she squeled she waved by and then she walked off with her mother I sighed .

 After my walk I went home I went in and saw that my door was unlocked I opened it quietly and walked to the living room to see the lads all there crying " Who died" I asked thier heads snapped towards me and Harry just kept on sobbing while Callie just sat there rolling her eyes and glaring at me " Harry what's wrong" I asked he quickly brought me into a tight hug sobbing into my kneck " I saw the news and they said you got hit by a car while running away from the paps" Harry cried it broke my heart to hear him say that to see them this torn about my fake death I could only imagine how bad it would be for me to be really gone.

 " Shhh Haz I'm here i'm safe and i'm fine" I said rubbing his back " Well see she's not Dead now let's leave" Callie snapped I got up slowly " Yeah Callie's right" I said Callie looked shocked almost like she was regretting something " I kept my promise I stayed away from you now you have to keep your word and leave you're hurting MY Reputation " I said coldly using their exact words they looked at me shocked .

" LEAVE" I roared they got up and looked at me one last time and then they walked out the door I looked up to see Callie standing there she just stared at me no glaring or anything it's like she was reading me she slihtly shook her head then walked out closing the door.

 My legs gave out and I collapsed on the floor in heeps of sobs when I saw them here I wanted to scream and go hug them because they were finally here but seeing the so wreaked about my 'fake' death hurt me so I had to act like that and make them leave because I had to be alone I had to push everyone away so they wouldn't get hurt.

' Oh Tessa tsk tsk tsk they wouldn't be hurt because they don't care about you' a voice whispered " Stop, stop, stop" I whispered as I grabbed my head.

 A few hours later and I got off the floor due to my phone ringing " Hello" I said

" Tessa you have an interview in 10 minutes" Steve said then hanged up I looked at my phone OK I looked at my outfit and I liked it I was wearing a floral skirt with a gray shirt paired with some combat boots. I walked out and into the car that was waiting for me . I was quickly pushed straight into the interview.

(Interview: Guys name is Carl)

Carl: Now welcome out the young and beautiful Tessa Young.

I walked out waving to the crowd and smiling

Carl: So let's get down and dirty first How are you after the break up with Mr. Harry Styles? I mean we all saw that interview I was just ready to go comdo and go up to Harry myself

Half a heart(Harry Styles)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant