Chapter 15-Habits

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Tessa (POV)


it's been a month since the car crash and so far ive been ok I still can't remember what harry was talking to me about when I was in the coma the boys and Eleanor have been so clingy I love them to death but their still I guess shocked in losing me for a few minutes.

They've all been focusing on me and I just need them out and going back to the way things were and Harry well he has a girlfriend her names Hailey she's gorgeous and a model but she has a really bad personality she hates me and the boys but Harry being oblivious to it all let's it slide I really just stopped trying with Harry and I told him when. he was ready I would be there waiting lately Harry has been a ass and I hate it.

"ok guys I've had I get it you care and you love me but just please stop worrying I'm alive and well I'm still sassy and you guys need to get out of the house go have fun and Louis take Eleanor out you guys care about me but Louis she's your girlfriend now shoo go out"i yelled a bit then smiled they ran towards me engulfing me into one big hug I laughed and then they ran I sat on the couch I saw Harry walk down stairs "hey Hazza wanna hang out "I asked smiling at him he looked at me with a guilty expression "sorry Tessa I'm taking Hailey out tonight I promised "he told me 'promise ' "but you promised me t- never mind bye Harry "I told him he smiled and ran out the door "sorry Tessa I promised "I mocked his voice I sighed and ran up stairs I got my new journal out and I wrote

confession :I have no one to talk to.

I am so alone it actually scares me.

and with that I put my journal in my closet .I had nothing to do and we'll I need to make an appearance or else management will go ballistic I grabbed my guitar and I walked to the park I saw kids and I got on top of a table Yup in a cast I'm that talented. I strummed my guitar and smiled as I swayed a bit people noticed who I was and gathered around the table taking out their phones.

Here I am again, the same old situation

Why does the guy thing have to be so complicated?

I should’ve played it cool, instead I made a fool

Oh, the things I do

‘Cause I’m young and I’m dumb

I do stupid things when it comes to love

And even if I always end up crying

Well, you can’t blame a girl for trying

No, you can’t blame a girl for trying

I should’ve shut my mouth, I could’ve kept it quiet

I might have freaked him out ’cause I was so excited

But I just couldn’t wait, I took a leap of faith

Oh, the things I say

‘Cause I’m young and I’m dumb

I do stupid things when it comes to love

And even if I always end up crying

Well, you can’t blame a girl for trying

No, you can’t blame a girl for trying

And I think sometimes I tend to be my own worst enemy

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