chapter 5- never say never

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i yawned and brought up my hand and my sleeve rose up and then he gasped and i looked at him confused i looked down and quickly covered my wrist he looked at me with tears "don't Lou i don't need any body's help or their pity ok " i said my lips quivering and my voice cracked

"w why Tess  your so pretty and stronger then that "he whispered tears rolling down his cheeks i shook my head nobody understands and they can't "looks could be deceiving " i whispered and with that i went to bed and crashed

thankfully i brought clothes and changed into black skinny jeans and white crop top with a leather jacket and pumps i decided to leave my hair down since for my punishment i had to go and dye my hair a light purple so I can get more attention is what they said as i got downstairs the boys were eating and smiled at me as I walked down stairs i smiled as well but oh Harry rolled his eyes and mumbled something about being a whore the boys sent him daggers but me I pretend not to hear i felt my cuts itching as an insult was thrown i saw that Harry only made food for them i rolled my eyes of course I should have expected this i looked at Louis i had to talk to him and explain i can't let him go and tell someone "umm where's my food " i asked nervously of course I knew the answer I just wanted to here him say it "oh I'm sorry I don't appreciate or show kindness to strangers "he spat angrily i nodded slowly "oh umm ok Lou come on let's go " i said quickly and dragged him luckily he was already changed

we were walking and I kept quiet "Louis you wouldn't understand but I guess I did it because of everything that's been going on I'm not strong or perfect i mean i am the world's skank " i said my voice cracking and at that he knew not to tell anyone he brought me into a hug and I lost it he rubbed my back as i cried i cried for harry for my reputation for what I've done the regrets I've had everything

"thank you Lou but now we have to got to the salon" i grumbled at the end "my punishment is to dye my hair a light purple management words "i explained he awed and nodded Louis was of course laughing as i cursed all the way there

i huffed once we arrived at the boys flat my hair didn't look pretty bad but i just wanted my real hair back i grumbled again as Louis burst out laughing "ok it's not funny " i whined i huffed again and stomped all the way inside the flat Louis soon followed and was still laughing i pouted as i walked in i laughed after trying to keep my mad face

"Omg it's barney " Audrey yelled i took a step back but then I almost broke when I saw the necklace my necklace on her neck i sighed but didn't let them get too me "Hey Audrey and thanks it used to be mine and Harry's favorite show " i said smirking and skipping to the nearest seat she huffed and rolled her eyes "their going to stay stuck like that if you keep on rolling your eyes " i sassed she huffed and flipped me off gosh she has no weakness but me i get effected easily and she has Harry so of course she has nothing to worry about i looked back at the boys to see them wrestling i chuckled and got up slowly and i walked towards the door and left.

  i know i know it may seem rude but i am causing a tension between the boys and harry some two girls walked up to me i kneeled down they we're twins "Hey love what your name " i asked plastering a fake smile on my face "I'm Lilly and I'm Lucy " they said together "awww what cute names your both adorable " i replied i took pictures with them and signed their pictures

today of course I had a surprise interview great these things were always horrible and they always just find a way to attack me i sighed and soon enough made it they changed me into black pants with a  denim light shirt with black stilettos and they french braided my hair and put a daisy crown around my head

"Ms.Young  your on " spoke Carl the manager i nodded and walked out right when she was introducing me I waved at the crowd and smiled i sat down and crossed my legs.

"How are you Taylor  " she said in a bitchy tone but by the looks of it i could only tell i looked at the crowd and saw 5 people with their goodies on and one with a mustache i groaned one direction great i looked at her and smirked "it's Tessa  and I'm just peachy" she rolled her eyes and nodded "So there are rumors that you've been hanging out with one direction " she remarked and stared at me with a smirk yup i HATE her already

"well-"she rudely interrupted me "Are you hooking up with them since your a player and use people but Tessa  they have girlfriends "my jaw clenched as well as my fists "No were just hanging out and I'm not like that okay" i snapped but as i talked the more she found a way to twist up my words "why so snappy Taylor  maybe because you know it's true the world despise people like you and you tend to have flings and get drunk all night " with that i shot up and glared at her "were done here " as i walked away she grabbed my wrist "No were not you can't just leave " she said angrily i smirked and pulled my wrist "watch me" with that i was finally off the stage and heading toward my flat

By now the interview was going viral i shook my head why did this one bother me so much 'silly girl because Harry saw it 'I groaned and leaned against the window I can't like him or even love him he has a girlfriend and hates me but I am just me the same Tessa  but I know for sure it's my attitude and what the press make me out to be But I mean i will be working with the boys on writing songs I could get close to Harry and the tour this is perfect i just need to do something great to get to Harry and break him up with that that ugh forget it get ready Audrey because I'm coming and taking Harry back and bringing back the old us.

Author's Note

Well that's all for now updating soon tell me what you thing now bye

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