Chapter 11- Why....what

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Tessa (POV )

  "Get out of the bus"


  "I'm not kidding. Get out."

  "Liam i'm not going out there i'll be murdered "

" I don't care you have too"

"I don't want to get out"

"I will drag you out of the bus "

I stayed quiet at his threat but glared at the boys as they snickered and giggled I swear they were all gay

"No you won't "

I screamed pounding on his back as he threw me over his shoulder as the boys laughed "I don't want to Liam James Payne put me back on that bus this instance "I shouted I huffed as he ignored me but looked down and saw his phone I smirked and pulled it out lightly and into my sweatshirt sleeve

"I thought we were all friends "I mumbled sadly

"we are but your probably not in trouble "Liam said I could hear a smirk in his voice "your mean"I whined all the way there I groaned as he dropped me on the ground and I got up with whatever dignity I had left I sat down and saw management glaring at me "Not mad my ass"I whispered to Louis and he chuckled

"OW "I shouted as Liam whacked me and then turned to management smiling I scowled at him SLAM that caused me to jump up I looked at them as my eyes widened I looked down and it was a picture of me being in an alley with the six guys I gulped.

"H-how did you get that "I stuttered looking at the picture in shock they smirked.   "Oh we have our own people luckily this won't get out"hissed Carla in which I glared at her "your spying on me"I shouted "you can't do that it's my private life " I was outraged I felt a squeeze on my shoulder I looked up and saw Harry he gave me a reassuring smile

"you lost your privacy the day you became famous you knew the consequences Ms.Young "Carla once again said "Now what is this are you doing drugs what the he'll are you doing"Steve hissed gosh I like him more when he was quieter I rolled my eyes "those are some old friends and they wanted to stay out of the limelight so when I bumped into them I quickly went in there to catch up for a few moments "the lie rolled off my tounge they didn't answer so I took that as my que and ran out I got back to the bus and into the restroom I smirked as I unlocked his iPhone stupid No password I quickly went onto twitter I heard banging on the door "Tessa young give me my phone "Liam yelled I laughed as I typed "No I told you what would happen "I shouted back stubbornly

'@Real_Liam_Payne Is it bad if you get a massive bonner from Watching dog's having sex?I guess it's been a while...That's enough Animal planet for me.'

I smirked as I walked out and handed Liam his phone "Tessa "Liam shouted I turned and saw him angry I squeaked and saw Harry coming in "Harry help me "I yelled jumping on his back he gasped as he stumbled trying to gain his balance he looked at his phone so did the rest as they laughed at the tweet Liam stood there glaring "Sophia is going to see this"he grumbled and marched back to his room I laughed and layed my chin on Harry's shoulder I heard someone by the door clear their throat and I turned to see Kendall I jumped off Harry as she glared at me "what are you doing with MY boyfriend "she spat I laughed "Nothing we were just playing around were friends "I said smiling knowing it would piss her off

"whatever Harry go get ready for our date tonight "she grumbled getting out the bus I walked to the couch with my leather song book in hand I sat down with Louis "you know Harry was my first kiss"I mumbled playing with my fingers I heard his choke on his water I patted his back "it was on New years Eve in 10 grade and we felt left out hearing our friends talk about it so we got it over with it was sweet but nice I guess that's when I started developing feelings for him "I said sighing but smiling at the memory "guys I need a song to sing to Kendall tonight it's a special night "Harry said nervously why was he nervous it's just a stupid date I laughed "here Hazza take one "I said handing him my book "I'll take don't let me go"he said smiling and then rushed out the door I looked at the boys and they stared at me with sad eyes "we all have to go somewhere "mumbled Niall I laughed and then nodded "let's goooo "I sang hopping off the bus "guys tomorrow me and Harry are going paintball fighting want to go"I said smiling I was excited "it's great to be friends with Hazza I just need to find a way to tell him about my feelings "I mumbled smiling a bit messing with the necklace Harry gave back I looked at Louis and he looked sad we got off to see bright fairy lights all over the place on big oak trees and rose petals all over the place leading towards a path "this is nice"I said smiling again

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