Chapter 24

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 Word gets around fast. Well apparently everyone found out that we wern't friends anymore and now the hate is coming in like a full blown storm. I mean now it was literally physical and emotional abuse it hurt and I felt like I needed to cut again so I did. Although I wish I could stay home and spend my time on my own I can't because I have to go out to this stupid end of the tour kind of party and I HATE seeing them especially Harry will make me break I just have to go for a few hours I reasured myself.

 I got dressed in a black dress that was just above my thigh it wasn't trashy and I didn't look like a whore so it was safe to wear, I matched it with Gold stiletoes and a black clutch. I fixed my brown hair and Yes I died my hair back to it's natural color. I walked out and into the cab. I arrived and immediatley I got pulled into interviews and pictures I posed and ignored all the hatful questions from the intertviewers. I walked in and I saw people whispering about me. I looked down want to know why their like that well i'm an "alcholic'' oh and apperantley I ruin peoples reputations so I wouldn't blame them. I sat in a corner just playing with my fingers and looking at pictures from when I was small. I felt tears running down my face and when I looked up I locked eyes with the boys and that's when I had enough I bursted out of there not caring that I had just arrived.

I bumped into Callie and then she yelled " Oh look the WHORE who tried to steal my boyfriend" she yelled I stepped back and it was quiet except for the flashes " I never tried to steal Harry he wasn't mine in the first place and why are you intimidated by me huh you have what you want i'm not stopping you" I spat.

She looked shocked and that's when she slapped my and I fell to the ground ' Pathetic' a voice whispered ' worthless' " You are nothing but an attention seeker you bother the boys with your problems and now you still want more wow you disgust me" and with that she walked away I got up and walked down the road as tears slipped down my face. I didn't care that fans were shouting at me because I was broken completly gone and into oblivion.

 I was in my apartment and I was now on my sixth song for my album called " Breath" I knew that I wanted this album by the time I was gone. I walked to the studio and I got Josh the drummer yup him and the rest of the band from the tour I told them what the beat was and they got it down. I nodded my head and they started playing.

I cannot find a way to describe it
It's there inside; all I do is hide
I wish that it would just go away
What would you do, you do, if you knew
What would you do

 All the pain I thought I knew
All the thoughts lead back to you
Back to what was never said
Back and forth inside my head
I can't handle this confusion
I'm unable; come and take me away

I feel like I am all alone
All by myself I need to get around this
My words are cold, I don't want them to hurt you
If I show you, I don't think you'd understand
Cause no one understands

 I'm going nowhere (on and on and)
I'm getting nowhere (on and on and on)
Take me away
I'm going nowhere (on and off and off and on)
(and off and on)

 Take me away
Break me away
Take me away

" That was great guys I want to say that even though I don't know all of you I love you guys as my family" I said they ran and engulfed me in a hug.


 It may be short but hey at least I updated

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