Chapter 27

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 Harry's (POV)

 Me and the lads sat around the TV looking for something to watch when all of a sudden Louis yelled " Put it back" we jumped and Liam put it back on the channel and it showed Tessa at an interview we were shocked because she looked drained and just lifeless they were talking about our breakup I heard and held on to every word she said it hurt to hear the way she talked Tessa was broken if only she knew the truth but I was going to tell her because I wanted to live my OWN life and I needed Tessa she was the love of my life and the way she screamed at us today scared me she never acted like that and I could see she was struggling.

Tessa's (POV)

 I sat here at the table and I left my laptop on the table I stood up and looked at my awards and my pictures I had tears in my eyes I sighed and then walked out the door I walked towards the world trade center I saw paps following me and fans screaming as i arrived to the building I looked behind me there was a massaive crowd and I didn't care because nothing mattered at all. I walked in and took the elevator all the way to the top I gasped when I saw the view I walked to the corner of the building just standing there looking down at the crowd i heard screams as they looked up and I smiled lightly and then there was a helicopter flying and I knew it was the news station and then there was more news stations at the bottom along with the paps.

 I dialed Harry's phone. no answer.Typical. angrily, I typed out a text message to the lads and Harry:

Maybe after today you'll realize just how much being ignored and hated on hurts, especially after there's nothing but silence from me.

I hit send. I din't allow myself to think back on what I was sending out to them. I hated them. I wanted them to know that. I wanted them to to know that my blood would be on their hands along with the people who ever hated on me I smiled down at my phone in my hand and chucked it down over the edge of the bulding. A couple seconds later the satisfying crash of my phone hitting the ground followed by  startled gasps drifted up to me. The world would know about Tessa Young and her last goodbye.

Harry's (POV)

 I hated what I had done. Tessa was the love of my life. We had plenty of rough patches over the course of our years together. And yet I played along with the whole world, hurting Tessa as if she wasn't a human being with feelings.

And now she was gone.

I couldn't handle knowing that wavy goldon brown, blue eyed self would be away from all of us. And I didn't get to say goodbye.

 I felt another wave of sobs hit me and I buried myself into Louis, his arms around both me and Zayn. Zayn looked terrible whenever he brought his face out of Liam's side . His Hazel eyes were red-rimmed, his nose red. Of course, every one of us looked like that.  I answered my phone " Harry go find Tessa she's going to commit suicide" and with that he hanged up. i had the phone on speaker and then Niall stood up .

" Twitter, Tessa tweeted where she is" Louis sounded breathless " Where is she.....?" I asked, not really sure if I wanted to know

" World trade center"

" Doing" Niall prompted.

" Standing at the top" Louis whispered, his phone dropping to the floor. " She wants to jump"

I felt my heart in my stomach. I couldn't believe it. No. " Tessa Wouldn't dare do something like that. She wouldn't. She couldn't" I said Louis looked guilty " But she would Harry all the hate and then the only thing keeping her on the verge of sanity was taken away I'm sorry Harry I tried to show you she was having problems but you wouldn't litsen"he said

Jump? More than forty stories above the earth? No. Tessa wouldn't dare.

 The Tessa Myla Young I knew didn't give up. She didn't just decide to kill herself. She valued life.

" Liam.... what if she jumps," I whispered Liam pulled me closer to him, gripping me like I was his goddamn rock. "No. He won't," Liam said through clenched teeth. " I won't let her fucking do that."


" No. Harry, I won't let her die I won't watch her jump from a goddamn building!" Liam yelled

Tessa (POV)

 I stood at the top looking down.

'This is it' a voice whispered

'you have nothing'

" I am nothing" I whispered

**** A/N******

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