Chapter 18

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( Ok so they have been going out for 6 months now so just go with it)I woke up and sighed I got up and walked towards the kitchen of the hotel to see Harry wasn't there I frowned and walked towards the fridge and took off the not.

Dear Tesssa,

 Hey babe, if your reading this it means your awake Steve is pissed like always so you have a meeting with him also me and the boys are going to be extremly busy today so we probably won't see each other today. Anyways see you soon love.

Love Harry xoxoxo

 I sighed and leaned against the counter nibbling on my lip. I walked towards my suitcase and picked out a white t-shirt, with a dirty light camoflauge color jacket and put it on with rooled up skinny jeans to my ankles and some black heels. I picked up my hair in a bun then wrapped a bandana around my head. I grabbed my bag and walked out. I walked out the hotel to see fans screaming . I walked over to a few girls and took photos with them . " Worthless" "Fat" " die" were some hurtful comments I heard my eyes watered a bit so I looked down and walked towards steves office. I got there " Hi I have an appointment today with steve" I said smiling the bimbo looked up at me snapping her gum.

 " he's busy today sorry" she spat I quickly lost it and slammed my hand son the counter and she smirked as she saw that she was annoying me " I have an appointment with Steve now move it " I spat and walked around her.

" Sit down Tessa" he said sternley I crossed my arms and shook my head " I'll stan" he cut me off with the slam of his fists on the desk I jumped " Sit down " he barked I jumped into the seat.

" Like always you seem to disobey and your reputation seems to be going down the drain " Steve grumbled I rolled my eyes and leaned back " Look i'm tired of being known as a slut or a drunky, and you set me up with another stupid interveiw so of course i'm not gonna litsen" I said almost growling. 

 He scowled " You are to do what I say you got it or i'll put somethin in the media that will ruin you" he said the lat part in my ear gripping my shoulders tightly that I winced. I got up and stormed out as I heard him chuckle I ran out the office into the blinding lights and the screaming fans. I felt like I was having a panic attack as I stumbled around .

 I gasped for air trying to get out of the crowd I ran  out onto the street and jumped back as my hands landed on the hood of the car I ran again with tears down my face and then it started raining. I can't believe he said that I looked down and walked in the rain . I heard a familiar laughter that I smiled I saw he walked into a coffee shop. I walked in after him and saw he was laughing with someone I frowned he never laughs like that with me.

 " Harry " I said smiling and as I walked towards the back table I saw a girl with tan skin, obviously a model with dirty blonde hair and gray eyes. I frowned agin and looked at Harry and then back to the girl as she smirked " Harry doesn't have time for fans" she said with a roll of her eyes I stepped back so he hasn't mentioned me " I I I'm " I stuttered she laughed at me and with that I ran with tears rolling down my face. I felt lost like I didn't have anyone and then all these emotions came stumbling all at once that I gasped for air. I ran and landed face first on the muddy ground scrapping my cheek. I scramed and I sat there whimpering he didn't even come after me.

 I got up and almost tripped again at a voice that I have missed and haven't heard forever " Tessa is that you" said Troy my brother that I haven't see in ages he was my older brother and left when I was 13 and he was 18 when our sister died. I turned around and jumped into his arms and my sobs were buried into his shoulder and his gripped tightened " Tessa omg please tell me whats going on " he asked worried I shook my head and gripped his shir. He picked me up and walked off with me sobbing. He put me down gently on his couch .

Half a heart(Harry Styles)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora