Half a Heart

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it's been a day since the incident I stayed in the restroom that night I just wasn't ready yet but I'm out already in some sweats and a loose top my hair was in a bun as I walked out the room and lightly walked down the stairs of course I was in pain but I didn't want to hide I saw Harry and I knew that if I asked him something he wouldn't lie even if he hated me "H-harry "I stuttered he looked up and glared I gulped "Am I really worthless "I whispered he was about to answer but a slutty girl walked in and glared at me I gulped "Baby tell her what you really think and don't lie" the girl said Harry looked at her and it was like he was under his spell "Your worthless I hate you it's your fault we aren't friends anymore your not even that innocent as you already play to be and it's all your fault you whore "Harry spat looking me dead in the eye I stumbled back shocked it hurt my lips trembled but I couldn't cry I can't Audrey laughed and they walked out I leaned against the wall and slid down I took out my phone and went on twitter there was a lot of hate Oh and guess what me getting attacked was the trending video

I walked onto my flat roof and I looked up I screamed "What now " it looks like the whole world is laughing at me I ran to my bathroom and found a razor I slid down and put the blade to my white skin I shivered as I felt the coldness I breathed in and out I closed my eyes and slid it across my flesh I sighed and did it three more times I cleaned up the blood and wrapped up my wrist I walked out and slipped on my white converse but before I left I grabbed the necklace Harry gave me as I was walking under the stars I couldn't help but feel that I'm losing Harry I really am it started to drizzle and I sighed I felt a few tears leak out but I quickly wiped them

I looked at th's necklace again and wrapped it around my neck I smiled weakly I walked into this coffee shop and ordered me a green tea I drank it and looked out the window I got up and bumped into someone I gasped "I'm so sorry I didn't see you "I said stuttering I looked up and my heart fluttered "it's OK I'm Kyle "he said smiling his light gray eyes sparkling I blushed as he stared at me I looked down "I'm Tessa  "I said smiling "can I umm have your number "he stuttered I giggled and nodded we swaped phones "well see you later Tessa  "I nodded and waved at him I walked out with a grin on my face what could go wrong I whispered to myself

I woke up smiling for the first time and a real one I'm actually going to hang out with the boys I got out of bed and washed my body and hair in vanilla sented I got out wrapping a fluffy towel around me and walked to my closet I got out a white knee high dress it was soft and had a flower see through design in the back and was really gorgeous I then matched it with red Tom's I then put my hair in a bun I smiled at my reflection and walked out into my car as I arrived I touched the heart and smiled again I knocked on the door and Audrey answered it Yup I learned her name "Oh we don't slow sluts in here sorry we don't want trash "She spat smiling showing her slightly crooked teeth before she slammed the door I pushed it open and walked in as I smiled.

I walked into the living room "Hey guys "I chirpped they waved at me and came up to me and hugged me while Audrey glared

"Ahhhh how can you beat us your a girl "Louis screamed I laughed "it's something called talent which you don't got"I sassed smiling he put a hand over his heart and faked hurt "you want to go bro come at me "he sassed I rolled my eyes and pushed him off the couch I giggled as he landed with a oomf he got up an pushed Audrey aside as Louis cried into Harry's shoulder I laughed again "It's okay boo bear she didn't mean it "Harry cooed as he rubbed Louis back we all laughed rolling on the ground "Oh shut up you guys are annoying "Audrey spat glaring at us "Or it's just your social akward "I replyed smiling the boys laughed "Harry poo their being mean to me especially that thing "she whined I rolled my eyes I turned and Zany stuck his tounge out at her I laughed at his childness Audrey snapped her head towards me "I want that thing out "she screamed but the pitch of here voice made us all cringe and cover our ears "you can't kick me out because I was invited plus you don't live here "I snapped she turned red and glared harder I got up and sat behind Zayn peeking over her shoulder "she scares me"I whispered he chuckled and patted my head I pouted "Sorry babe I can't kick her out this is Zayns flat "he said smiling at her hugging her to him ugh how can he hold her that should be me and him WAIT WHAT THE HELL NOPE NOPE I DID NOT SAY THAT.

I shook my head Audrey groaned and rolled her eyes babe why did that one word affect me "let's play truth or Dare "Louis shouted making me jump I chuckled "ok Lou "I said smiling of course he went first "ummm Hazza truth or dare "he chirped he picked dare "I dare you too "then the rest Louis whispered Harry shook his head fast and then groaned Harry got up then yanked me up giving me a quick Peck on the lips my eyes widdend while Audrey literally growled I blinked quickly and sat back down playing with my fingers ok this is awkward

we kept on playing until i looked up and that Harry was staring at me and finally i looked down to see he was looking at the necklace i quickly grabbed it and put it into my shirt i sent him a weak smile "well I'm going to go get a drink anyone want anything " i ask "carrots " Louis shouted I laughed and shook my head I walked into the kitchen I turned around and jumped to see Audrey I rolled my eyes and walked around the counter to the refrigerator grabbing a water and Louis carrot drink "Harry is mine you whore so stay away from him " she hissed I chuckled "sweetheart I've known him since diapers and last i heard your nobody "i said smiling "you just got to have the title as his girlfriend but your just using him slut " i spat walking out I had a smile on my face I got to the living room i heard screaming then loud stomping I turned around wide eyed I screamed and jumped out of the way as she tried to tackle me I was still hurt from the beating the boys just looked stunned then she came up kicking me in the stomach then pushing me I groaned I got up and laughed I punched her then slapped her the boys tried to pull us apart but there was no stopping us the boys had a dinning room next to the living room we tumbled in there i stood up and then she tackled me I screamed as my side hit the edge of the table I felt tears form and she punched me on my bruised ribs I threw her off me and stood up i groaned as she tripped me I fell on my back trying to breath I grabbed her hair and finally we were torn apart Harry and Niall were hold her back while Zayn and Louis were holding me back i struggled against them i already had tears streaming down my face "what the funk happened " Liam yelled I flinched as he cursed "i went to the kitchen to get Louis and I a drink when she walked in she told me to stay away from Harry

because he was hers then she called me a slut so I told her that I knew harry since diapers and she was a nobody to me all she was lucky to have the title of HARRY'S GIRLFRIEND then I said she was using you guys for your fame then I walked out I finished i shook the boys of and sat down because I couldn't stand the pain was too much

Audrey was shaking with anger and wanting to get out if their hold i groaned in pain again "look we resolved this and you know what Harry I'm not apologizing " i said I got up and waved a quick bye but what he said I didn't expect "the real Tessa  would not have said that what the press make you look like that is you your a whore and think your better then everyone that necklace you have give it back ok I HATE you Tessa  I really do for now on stay away from me and the lad's " Harry spat my knees buckled but I caught myself I turned around trying to contain the tears I yanked the necklace and threw it at him as I turned I felt like I had someone that cared about me

"Wait Harry's wrong he out of all people should know what the press do and it's not his choice to say who hangs out with us but we care Tessa  we do so Harry take her and leave when we all hang out we don't want Audrey here with us isn't that right lad's " Zayn spoke up the lad's nodding in agreement I smiled a little and thanked them and said my goodbyes i walked out and let the tears fall i let a sob out after a few blocks i collapsed just sobbing i can't anymore i just can't i want my Hazza back but i could only hear him saying how much he hates me

Half a heart(Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now