half a heart

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I sat there on the pavement crying but then I stopped I got up and walked into my apartment i looked in the mirror I will not let Harry rule my life anymore no more management and no Harry if he's so stupid and oblivious to realize I did all this for him well then he's got another thing coming i made the wrong choice twice and we'll this is my silly life

I took out my phone and looked for the certain person

to:Kyle <3


I pressed the send button i smiled a little

From: Kyle <3

Hey love what's up


I was wondering if you wanted to hang out:)

he said yes I smiled bright and skipped to my closet since I took a shower already i put on light pink skinny jeans a neon belt and tucked in my whit flowy shirt i turned and smiled slightly in the mirror I paired them with red Tom's like I used to do it when I was friends with Harry no heels i jumped to the restroom and put my hair into beach waves and just added light masscarea with pink blush for my rosy cheeks I smiled my dimples popping out I walked out my house and down to the Caffè to meet him

i got there but didn't see him "Hey your Darcy right " asked a guy he was cute had some tattoos but I got a bad vibe off of him and his breath smelled I smiled and nodded "well I'm Josh Kyle sent me because he was with his girlfriend so yeah he kinda hooked me up so here I am with you hotty" he said smirking I laughed awkwardly ok I can't believe he didn't tell me I was mad

"oh ummm that's great " i stuttered he smirked and licked his lips he wrapped his arm around my waist I gulped and he led me out he was too touchy we walked to this pub and I felt out of place I gulped again as I saw older men here he led me to a table I sat down "ohh umm this is an ok place so umm I "he cut me off and put his hand on my thigh "go get me a beer why don't you love " he said breathing in my face I gulped and nodded quickly I asked for the beer what the heck did I get myself into i don't like him and I'm kinda afraid of him some girls walked in he got up and walked up to me and yanked the beer out of my hand he bumped my shoulder and slapped my but he walked to the girls and was flirting with her i sighed i walked to the table and almost started crying gosh why can't anything go right 7 beers later he was drunk and grinding on the girl not that i cared anyways i sighed and got up to leave since it was 9:30 and dark outside

as i got up i jumped when I heard a shout I turned and he stumbled to me and crashed his nasty lips on me I gagged and pushed him off me he growled and his lips curled up i huffed i turned around and started walking once i was outside i felt a hard tug on my wrist I looked up and Josh was there holding my wrist tightly "let me go " i spat glaring at him "No can do I'm famous now " he said smirking and with that he kisses me I bit his lip hard and then there were flashes he pulled back and pushed me I groaned and just ran out of there ugh their following me so I decided to go to Louis flat I got there and knocked on the door he opened it and I walked in I turned to see the boys there but no Audrey thank god I put my bruised wrist behind me and smiled "hi boys " i said smiling then they turned on the TV to spring gossip I gulped at the headline "Tessa  in a abusive relationship or is there someone give her a taste of her own medicine " the woman said "turn that off " i shouted

then Harry smirked "No i want to see what they have to say about you now " he smirked again "It's just another guy who used me like always " i whispered i sat down and forced myself to look at the TV

Half a heart(Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now