Chapter 29

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 Harry (POV)

 " Where the hell is the light?" I yelled frustrated as I searched blindly for the light switch I had gotten into a room that led to the roof,but the light was off.

I frantically ran my hand along the walls, feeling for a handle or lightswitch. It had to be here somewhere. I finally found it and I grabbed it I stepped out onto the roof and ran towards the edge.

" Tessa" I screamed when I spotted her. I know I wasn't suppose to scream but seeing her on the edge sent my heart into overdrive.

Suddenly everything felt slow motion.

I was running towards her. Tessa turned to me and I saw the flash of hope in her face. Her blue eyes widened she looked at me frantic

"Tessa " I screamed again forcing myself faster. Harry stumbled backward just as I reached him, falling over the edge." NO!" I gasped and threw myself down on the floor,reaching out to catch her.

But she was too far.

 Things sped up. Tessa was falling and I could feel my heartbeat racing. No no no. My stomach was tightening with fright and my was throwing dozens of images of Tessa sprawled out on the sidewalk into my head. The blood. It would be everywhere.

Tessa (POV)

 Harry ran towards me desperation painted across his face. His hands outstretched towards me, acting as if he can just pull me. I was too shocked by his sudden appearance that I didn't realize I was falling until it was too late.

 My body felt weightless as I felt myself fall off the edge of the roof. Harry threw himself to the floor and screamed at me repeatedly as he thrust his hands out at me.

I reached out. I couldn't reach him.

I looked him straight in the eyes and said the one thing that might change the look of hopeless desperataion on his face" I love you"

" I love you too Tessa," he choked out, loud enough for me to hear. He clutched at his chest as the tears fell down his face.

 I shut my eyes and allowed myself to fall.

Zayn( POV)

 I stood in front of the bulding as Tessa fell from the top of the building. Her arms spraed out around her, the force of gravity the only thing acting against her. I felt my breathing speed up as my eyes watched her, the sound of gasps were all around me and I knew everyone would be watching this.

Soon Tessa  Myla Young...... Would be dead.

The seconds ticked on slowly, mocking me with all of it's cruel hatred.

Louis (POV)

-------- A few minutes before-----------

 " ZAYN, I HAVE NO TIME TO TALK RIGHT NOW!" I yelled into my phone frustrated that I was wasting valuable time. Tessa could be falling now

" No this is important Louis" Zayn yelled back breathlesssly I huffed as I ran towards the building. He must have ditched the crowd to call me." I know how we can save Tessa, but it will be difficult," Zayn spoke quickly I looked around me and saw the news stations here as well recording.

" Alright hurry up. I'm heading towards the elevator right now," I said


" Excuse me I need to use the elevator," I said holding the phone away from my ear quickly. The guard looked suspicously at me before sighing and letting me through.

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