Chapter 23

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 Ok this was just a filler chapter all leading towards the gran finalie well I cried in this chapter it was well difficult to write Luv you guys.

 I was currently in Miami in a beach house waiting for my brother Troy to arrive I jumped when I felt someone tap my shoulder " Troyyyyy" I squealed jumping up to hug him he laughed and spun me around." I missed you" I said he looked at me and kissed my cheek " Missed you to sis". I turned and pushed him of the dock into the water he popped out of the water as I laughed " Ohh it's so on Myla" he yelled runing after me I laughed as the air flew through my hair " Get off me " I yelled laughing as he layed on top of me as my clothes got wet.

 Me and Troy have been to clubs, amazing restraunts we even went to a Bastille concert we even got to meeth them. but now it was our last night here in Miami I was cuddled um with my brother we were just that close. Then out of the blue I asked him a weird question " What do you think heavens like" I said he looked at me confused " Well I don't know I guess your free and well our sis is up there so I guess it's a happy place full of love" he said looking into my bright blue eyes (A/N Just pretend she does have colored eyes) I smiled weakly 'Love' I said in my head all I wanted was to be loved. I waited till Troy was asleep and I got up slowly walking into the kitchen and getting out a pen and paper.

 Dear Troy,

 Well I want to say I was a happy child but I wasn't, oh god Troy how this hurts so much to be leaving like this. I'm sorry it was all too much the hate just everything 'Whore' 'Drunk' 'Worthless' 'just die' were the things that drove me over the edge I tried staying strong I did...... but anyways enough about boring O'l me I want to say that no matter what this was not your fault there's nothing you could have done to stop this. It was just me I caused this I caused for the world to hate me I even drove away my freinds lets just say I didn't go down the right path so yes I deserved all of this. Oh lord I remember all our fun times together I even remeber when I put itching powder in your underwear when I heard you were going on a date with some girl... haha I just didn't want to lose you but I want you to know that i'll be watching you and i'll make sure your safe and sound even if there was nobody to do the same for me 

I love you

sincerely Tessa xoxo

 I slipped it to the bottom of his suitcase and then I walked back into the room curling up against him I knew that he wouldn't end up reading the letter until I was long gone because he doesn't unpack his bags until a week later.

 " Well I guess this is goodbye" I said smiling weakly with tears in my eyes he looked at me and pulled me into a hug " Don't worry Myla we will see each other soon I love you" he said cracking a smile " I love you to you goofball " I said laughing and with that I boarded my flight I turned and then there was a flash he took a picture of me I glared at him but smiled then blew a kiss. If only he knew that there would be no next time.

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