Chapter 25

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 " No I said no ok leave me the fuck alone" I yelled at the paps and I shoved them out of the way these past few days I've found myself out of control and i've been on the news lately ha you probably think it was all good and I helped cure cancer yeah right!!!! Well i'm just a mess everything is just finally getting to me.

   Today I decided that I would go talk to Kendall well I mean when she heard what happend with the lads she called me right up. I knocked on her door " Hey Tessa come in" she said smiling

" So how have you been" she asked looking at me I opened my mouth but she cut me off " And don't tell me your fine i've seen the hate and the scars so don't you lie to me" she said looking at me sternly I sighed and I shook my head.

" Truth is i'm not fine I miss them like hell and I just don't know what to do" I whispered she looked at me and then walked away she came back in with black and pink stripped pajama pants and a Black shirt with poka dots " Lets have a girls night to get your mind off of things " she said I cracked a smile and I nodded.

 " No Jack" I cried as me and Kendall were looking at the TV " Don't let go" Kendall yelled we looked at each other and burst out laughing we wearn't even litsining to the TV we were just shouting random lines " Kendall this Ice cream Cake is so good" I said taking another big bite " Duh I know " she said with sass I shoved her a bit but I geuss it was too hard because the next thing I know is that the cake was pushed into her face I looked at her and bursted out laughing rolling on to the ground holding my sides oh god I could feel a six pack forming.

 I gasped when I felt something cold on my face and then we were having a cake fight we stopped and started laughing. After we washed up we went to watch another movie " Oooo Emily Osment's new movie is on" She cheered I sighed but smiled.

 " No I can't open the bottle" Taylor the actress said " Look at what you did" she yelled ''I want to die" she cried by the time the scene was over I couldn't help it I broke out into sobs I looked at Kendall and whispered a " Sorry" before running out the building

 I got home soaking wet I stopped when I saw myself in the mirror I was all wet with ready blotchy eyes " A screw up" I yelled at my refelction .


 Well that's all it for now

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