25. What's the Plan?

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There are only a few chapters to go, and then Ever series will be complete!

I'm only crying a little bit, don't judge me!


Brenda allows Minho to take the lead this time, and he does so willingly. They run through the Maze, Minho taking each turn confidently, remembering the Maze like the back of his hand.

It felt like so long ago that they were there, but it really hasn't been all that long.

Everyone among them has seen the Maze and Glade before, but a memory - or in Jorge and Brenda's case, a monitor - is so different to the actual thing.

Finally, they reach the last corner before the East Door of the Glade. Lori can smell the familiar scent of the grass and the fresh breeze.

Everything looks almost exactly how they left it. The burned down Map Room, the Homestead over in the corner, the trees, the garden, the Bloodhouse barn, the fields - it's all still there.

She thinks back to her first few days in the Maze, meeting all the boys and being apart of their community.

And Newt.

Poor Newt.

He didn't deserve to die the way he did.

No one deserves that.

When they pass through the East Door, they all slow to a walk, looking around the Glade.

The area is full of people of all ages and sizes walking around, minding their own business.

A child runs past, and that's what it takes for Lori to notice there are babies and toddlers inhabiting the Glade also.

She feels sick to her stomach, the mere thought that WICKED are willing to test on children that age. It is disgusting.

"Lori," Clara says from beside her.

She spins to face her, to see the girl pointing down at her leg.

Clara is focusing in on the wound that Lori had obtained in the WICKED compound.

Clara holds out a clean cloth for her to swap the other one over with. The one that was currently on her already is covered in blood and dirt, and probably isn't too hygienic.

"Thanks," Lori smiles. She gratefully takes the material, kneeling down make the switch.

Luckily for her, the gash isn't too deep, so it has already stopped bleeding. Right now, it just stings.

Wiping off as much blood as she can, Lori removes the old piece of material and wraps around the fresh one.

Pulling it and knotting it tightly, she stands back up, moving her leg a bit to see if the material is secure.

Clara nods. "So, how are you feeling? It must be hard - Newt missing and all."

Lori feels her throat tighten. "Thank you for caring, truly, but I really don't think this is the time to have this conversation."

"Oh, um, of course." Clara brings a hand to her forehead. "I'm such an idiot, of course it's not the right time. I just - I never really asked you after it happened, and I - well . . ."

"Clara," Lori interrupts, a smiles threatening to break through. "It's fine, okay? Now, let's just get these people out of here."

"Did you know there were this many?" Minho is asking Thomas, in regards to the field full of Immunes.

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