'God'forsaken (Elena x Castiel Pt. 2)

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This imagine was requested by WillowLaurenGCoy. Enjoy!

This is sort of an A.U., starring God!Castiel at around the time of ending season 6 and episode one of season 7.


You sat on top of the closed toilet seat, feeling like a pile of crap and unable to stop your hands from trembling. You felt another wave of sickness come on and you puked in the sink.

You sat on the floor, your insides aching and your palms all sweaty. You rubbed your forehead and sighed. The morning sickness was driving you crazy, but you couldn't do anything about it other than taking medicines.

You found out you were pregnant four months back but you didn't tell anyone about it. You couldn't tell anyone... especially the dad of the baby.

Two weeks after that night you found out that Castiel had become some so-called 'God' after taking in all the souls in Purgatory. You couldn't believe it when you found out. It disgusted you that he left you and the Winchesters for Crowley and was that selfish to not care about the lives of others.

You were there when he came to you and the Winchesters, threatening to kill you all if you interfered with his plans and actions. He scared you at that point, the way he talked. He meant every word of smiting you.

All the things he said that night months ago about loving you... You concluded that he was probably high on something.

You sighed then got up after feeling a bit better physically, but everything still hurt emotionally. You want to stay in Castiel's arms. You want to feel loved, to feel happy that you were having a baby.

But you felt like crap. Even though it had been four months, you still threw up once in a while.

You had left the Bunker as soon you had come back that day after seeing Cas. Sam, Dean and even Bobby questioned why you were leaving and where to. You said that you were going to Chicago for a case, lying obviously.

They insisted on coming but you told them flatly that you had to do it on your own. Knowing your close relationship with the Angel in the trench coat, they didn't poke into the matter anymore.

You had to protect your baby, from the Winchesters bring vulnerable with you around and also from Castiel maybe even killing you. You didn't want to get rid of the baby so you had to bare the price of staying away and hidden.

You opened the door of the motel bathroom and walked out. You put on a sweater and sat on top of your bed, looking through your phone for anything interesting happening in the world.

When nothing entertained you, you decided to lay down on your bed. You shut your eyes for a moment, taking in the quiet and calm, and the distant sound of cars and trucks driving by.

You rubbed your stomach softly, only elevated a tiny bit. It was something that calmed you, even though your baby hasn't grown as much.


You sat up straight suddenly, surprised at the fact that someone was calling you. You rarely got any calls, only messages occasionally from the Winchesters asking how you were and when you were coming back.

It was Dean calling right now, and you hesitantly picked up your phone.

"Hello?" You said after answering the call. "Hello Elena," Dean said but his voice made you feel odd. It didn't have that same jumpy and cheery tone that he usually has whenever he calls you. Being your brother, you knew something was up.

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