Chapter 4 - Hiding Something?

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Brooke’s been all distant and quiet since I got home. Now it’s Bradie and her. What’s going on with the world? She keeps saying she’s fine, I’ve been with her for three years; I know when she’s lying.  She totally kept far away from me in bed last night. Which is weird, we haven’t seen each other for two weeks, so we’d usually, you know. Honey, our dog, knows she’s not acting right either. She’s a smart dog.

I walked into the living room and she was on the couch pretending to be watching TV. Here’s my chance, I’ll take a second stab at it.


I felt Shaun sit next to me on the couch and I felt his eyes on me. Here we go, he’s gonna ask what’s wrong again. I’m not telling him, I can’t. He’s in a band that’s getting bigger and bigger every day, this would kill him.

“Babe,” he started and I turned to look at him, “can you please tell me what’s wrong.”

“Shaun, I don’t know why you keep thinking something’s wrong, really, I’m fine,” I lied, he saw right through me.

“Is it something I’ve done? Or something my stupid, fuckhead friends have done?” He questioned.

“No, no one’s done anything, okay?” I explained, “you’re getting worried about nothing.”

“No, I’m not,” he started, “both you and Bradie have been quiet lately and I know something’s wrong with Bradie, he told me.”

He doesn’t stop, what can I say now?

“What’s wrong with Bradie?” I changed the subject and he gave me a look.

“Don’t change the subject,” he caught me out, “we’ve been together for three years, don’t you trust me?”

I sighed. I’m just digging a bigger hole for myself by not telling him.

“Of course I trust you, I just…” he was looking right into my eyes wanting me to go on, “I can’t tell you.”

“Why not?” he questioned and took my hands in his, “you can tell me anything.”

I looked at our hands and back at him, he smiled that cute half smile guys do. How bad could it be if I told him? He’d either leave me or tell me to get rid of it; typical guy response. But this is Shaun, he’s not like the others guys; he so much better. I can’t tell him yet though; I have to be sure about it first.

“Can I book in some time to talk to you about this on Wednesday?” I asked, he looked at me strangely. I guess it does sound pretty stupid.

“Why Wednesday?” he questioned.

“I’ll just be able to talk to you about this properly then,” I answered with a smile.

“Well, okay, that’s better than nothing,” he kissed me and got up off the couch, “oh yeah, you feeling better now?”

“What?” I asked confused.

“You were really sick this morning, I thought it was maybe the chicken you had at the pub last night,” Shaun explained.

“Oh yeah, um, much better,” I answered, “I think it was the chicken.”

“We’ll never order that again then,” Shaun laughed and walked off to the kitchen.

Guys are so clueless. When a girl is violently sick like that in the morning the first thing you think of is morning sickness. I’d hate to be a male; they’re cute, but so stupid.

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