Chapter 17 - Andy's Not Okay

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Oh my god, what is that horrible noise? The vacuum. Seriously, mum has to vacuum at this time in the morning. I gently fluttered my eyes open. I took note of my surroundings right away. This wasn’t my bed. This wasn’t even my room. It’s Bradie’s. What the hell am I doing in his room? I quickly sat up and a wave of dizziness took me away. I shook it off. My head was killing me. I must’ve went out last night or it’s just my secret sickness taking its toll.

I heard the vacuum shut off. Thank god. It still didn’t make my headache piss off. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and suddenly heard a voice.

“Feel like crap?” I looked up to see Bradie standing in the doorway.

I nodded.

“You should, you came home pretty smashed last night,” he explained walking over to his bed and sat next to me.

“Why am I in your room?” I asked, “you should’ve told me to piss off.”

“Normally I would’ve, but…” he stopped looking like he was searching his brain for the right words.

“But what?” I questioned, “I didn’t puke in my room, did I?”

“No,” he laughed, “do you remember what you told me last night?”

“I don’t remember anything from last night,” I replied rubbing my forehead trying to soothe my throbbing head.

“You told me a pretty big secret, Andy,” he said seriously.

I didn’t tell him ‘the secret’, did I? Oh god, please tell me I didn’t tell him!

“I don’t have any secrets, stupid,” I lied trying to make a joke out of it.

“Andy, you’re sick, aren’t you?” he asked me straightforward just like I did with him when I found out his secret.

My heart jumped into my throat. I don’t know what to say. I could blame it on the alcohol, just like the song.

“I was pretty pissed last night, so I think it’s expected that I have a bitchin’ hangover,” I laughed trying to cover up the best I could.

“That’s not what I meant and you know it,” he sounded so serious, it scared me.

“I’m gonna take some Borroca to shake this hangover,” I said getting up from his bed avoiding the conversation.

“Stop avoiding my question!” he stood in front of the doorway denying me access to leave.

I stood there, silent. He’s never this forceful. He’s definitely getting it from me being so forceful with him.

“Sorry,” I apologised shamefully looking at the floor.

“You’re sick, aren’t you?” he asked again trying to look me in the eyes, but I kept my head down ashamed to look at him.

“Yes,” I answered my eyes fixed on the floor.

“Everything you told me last night, all the trips to the doctor you covered up and the tests you’ve been getting, that’s all true?” he questioned.

“Yes,” I answered truthfully still keeping my head down.

“Andy, the doctors think it could be brain cancer?” he asked a little more softly than all his other questions he demanded answers for.

“Yes,” I lifted my head up looking him in the eyes with my tearful ones.

He stared at me for a few seconds like he couldn’t believe it then pulled me into his warm, comforting embrace. I couldn’t help but let my tears slip down my face and onto his shirt.

“Why didn’t you say anything about this before?” he questioned me in our brotherly hug.

“I didn’t want to hassle anyone,” I answered letting myself fall from our embrace.

“Andy, it’s serious, you should’ve hassled us,” he explained looking me in the eyes.

“Yeah, but…” I started, “I wasn’t sure about it, I didn’t want anyone to know until I knew what was going on.”

“So you just suffered through it by yourself?” he questioned feeling sorry for me.

“I didn’t suffer, that stuff with you took my mind off it and then being at the studio for two weeks just focusing on music with awesome dudes really helped,” I assured him.

I wasn’t lying; sure there were times I stressed about it, but most of the time my mind was off it.

“I feel so…” he started, but I cut him off.

“Don’t say it, I’ll get through it, dude,” I looked at him hopeful when I was actually scared out of my mind.

“You’re so friggin’ brave,” he said admirably, “when do you find out the results?”

“This week sometime,” I answered him trying to seem like I knew everything was gonna be okay.

“I’ll be with you when you find out,” he smiled putting his arm around me.

I really love this guy, I couldn’t ask for a more amazing brother.

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