Chapter 6 - Coming Out

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Bradie had just finished telling mum and dad that he’s gay. I kept my hand on his shoulder the whole time, even gave it a squeeze when he started crying halfway through. He was so brave; I know I wouldn’t be able to do anything like that.

Bradie’s dad got up and embraced Bradie in a hug. I could tell Bradie was caught off guard by it. He thought everyone would hate him, stupid Bradie being so stupid.

“I’m so proud of you, son,” Bradie’s dad said into their hug, “I love you no matter what.”

I saw Bradie smile; I know how relieved he must feel.

Gerald and Bradie released from their hug and my mum got up and squeezed the life out of him. They released and she ruffled his hair.

“Of course we don’t care about that stuff you silly little rascal!” mum joked and Bradie laughed.

She was always really awesome at making jokes in serious situations just to give everyone a laugh.

“Alright, I’m gonna start dinner,” mum walked off to the kitchen.

I saw Bradie was smiling. I could tell he was really happy about how our parents took it.

“I told you they’d be cool,” I nudged him.

“Yeah, okay you were right,” Bradie replied.

“What was that Bradie?” I joked, “Me, Andy, right about something?”

“Yes, Andy you were right, okay!” Bradie said with a smile and walked off to his room.

I smiled back then Gerald came up to me and said he wanted to talk. We sat down on the couch and I prepared myself for a conversation I had no idea what it was about. Next thing I know Gerald embraced me in a hug. I had no idea what was going on, it’s not like I just came out? He let me go and had tears in his eyes.

“Sorry, just thank you so much for helping Bradie out with this,” Gerald smiled at me wiping his tears.

“Nah, it was all Bradie,” I explained, “he’s the one that had the courage to come out.”

“He wouldn’t of if you didn’t push him,” Gerald started explaining, “you see, Bradie had depression when he started high school, he was getting bullied, so we put him on anti-depressants. I was just scared the depression had come back ten times worse.”

“I had no idea Bradie had depression then,” I said shocked, “why didn’t you tell me?”

“We didn’t want to worry you or have you think you had to protect him from the bullies just because you were his big brother,” Gerald explained.

“You know I would’ve anyway,” I replied.

Of course I would’ve protected Bradie. Shaun would’ve too, even though they just met and Shaun thought Bradie was gay. Well, he’s right now.

“Andy, you were the same size as Bradie then, they were pretty big year nines,” Gerald laughed.

I laughed too; I was tiny until year 12 when I finally hit a growth spurt.

“Just thank you for not letting him bottle it up,” Gerald smiled.

“It’s cool,” I smiled back.


Andy and I were chilling in the living room watching horror movies and pigging out on junk food, well, Andy was. That boy has really gotta start eating healthier, his metabolism will slow down eventually and he’ll stack on a ton of weight. That’d look real bad for the band.

“You know we should invite Shaun over,” Andy suggested, “he and Brooke probably need a break from each other.”

“Andy, just three days ago they hadn’t seen each other for two weeks,” I began, “they probably can’t keep their hands off each other.”

“Stupid Shaun gets sex whenever he wants,” Andy said annoyed, “it’d be pretty gay if we invited him over anyway.”

“Yeah…” I replied knowing Andy had used the word “gay” like it was a problem.

“Oh fuck, I’m sorry, I didn’t realise what I said,” Andy apologised.

I know he hadn’t, but it still hurt.

“Let’s invite Shaun over anyway, hey?” Andy suggested trying to make up for what he said, “you could tell him you’re gay now.”

“No, I’m not telling him,” I replied in an angry tone.

“Why?” Andy questioned, “I don’t understand why you’re so against telling him.”

“I’m just…” I didn’t know what to say, I couldn’t tell Andy I kinda like Shaun. How fucked up would that sound?!

Andy was staring at me and suddenly his facial expression changed from confused to shock.

“You like him, don’t you?” Andy asked and all the colour drained from my face.

How the hell does he work this stuff out?! His spelling is the shit and this he’s good at!

“What?!” I tried to sound like I was disgusted by the idea, “no!”

“Okay, whatever,” Andy turned his attention back to the TV, he didn’t sound convinced, but at least I shut him up.

These feelings for Shaun will eventually fade, won’t they?

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