Chapter 31 - S.O.U.L

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“So, how was last night?” I asked as Shaun handed Ashley back to me, “I didn’t get a phone call once.”

“It went pretty well, except for Brooke and I having a twenty minute debate as to who was gonna change her at three in the morning,” he explained.

“That’s gonna happen so much when your kid is born,” I laughed.

Andy yawned and walked out from the hallway into the lounge room with us.

“Hey Andy, ready to roll?” Shaun asked looking at the half asleep Andy.

He nodded. He really didn’t look well today. Most of the colour seemed to have drained from his face. I decided not to look too much into it.

“Okay boys, I’ve got the camera set up and ready to go,” dad announced appearing in the doorway of the hallway.

“Let’s do this,” Shaun smiled getting pumped.


We had been filming the past five hours and I don’t know if it was the heat of the room or just me, but I didn’t feel right. The hearing in my right ear seemed to have gone again. Editing the video will sure be really fun and easy now. I felt like I was starting to lose feeling in my left arm again. It was getting slower with its movements. I’m glad we had finished filming now or everyone would notice my left arm not responding while playing bass.

“All done now, boys and we got it all on one tape, impressive,” Gerald said putting the tape into my left hand, but I couldn’t grip it and it fell to the ground.

Everyone stared at me like I was some kind of alien. I knelt down and picked it up with my right hand.

“You alright, bro?” Shaun questioned a bit concerned.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just glad this is over,” I lied walking out of the room.

“You don’t have to start editing now,” Bradie replied as I stepped out.

“Nah, I want to,” I called back heading for my bedroom.

When I reached it I closed the door and threw the tape on my desk. I looked down at my hands, they were slightly shaking and I couldn’t control it.

“Please god, just make this go away,” I said to myself sliding down my door.


“Does Andy seem a bit off today?” I questioned Shaun.

He was spread out on one of the couches relaxing his apparently aching muscles.

“Bit off colour,” he replied not opening his eyes, “maybe he’s feeling a bit crook.”

“Yeah…Don’t you think it was weird when he just dropped that tape earlier?” I questioned becoming really concerned about my brother’s welfare.

“Not really,” he answered as he sat up, “he just dropped it, no big deal.”

“You were worried, don’t pretend you weren’t,” I could see straight through him.

“Yeah, okay, I was, but he’d tell us if something was going on,” he tried to assure me.

“Do you really think he would?” I asked, “he didn’t tell us for months that he was getting killer headaches and went to the doctor about them.”

Shaun sighed, I was probably worrying him way too much. But, I was paranoid that there was stuff Andy wasn’t telling us.

“If we ask him he’ll just lie,” he replied.

“I’m keeping an eye on him tonight, okay,” I said Shaun noticing my worried tone.

“You’ll tell me if anything happens or he says something, right?” Shaun asked.

“Yeah, of course,” I reassured him.

“Cool, well I’ve gotta head off,” he said getting up, “I reckon I need a nap.”

“Seeya,” I waved him off.

God, I wish Andy would say something if he’s getting symptoms of the illness. We all want him to be as comfortable as ever. The poor guy is suffering from the worst cancer of them all. Please be okay, Andy, please be okay…

The Back Of My HeadTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon