Chapter 22 - Telling The Family

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I opened the door as quiet as I possibly could.

“Where’re you going?” I heard Brooke ask.

Damn it, I wasn’t meant to wake her.

“To mum’s,” I replied, “to tell her.”

She nodded and looked at the floor, I instantly felt bad.

“You can come if you want to,” I suggested, “at least then I wouldn’t have to lie about you feeling too sick to.”

“Nah, you go,” she smiled and suddenly hugged me, “just tell me how it goes.”

“I will, you just make sure you eat something,” I smiled as I left, but added before I closed the door, “just nothing on the list!”


I sat there on the couch in the living room rubbing my ear trying to get the hearing back. I woke up an hour ago because of a thumping headache and realised I can’t hear out of my right ear! Obviously it’s a symptom of the cancer, same with everything that happened yesterday. The feeling in my arm came back after an hour. Still, it scared the fuck out of me. I couldn’t move it; it was like it was paralysed.

Right now I’m going through my daily ritual of waking up with a bitchin’ headache, but only this time I’ve lost half my hearing. I would Google if it’s a symptom, but I’m too scared to find out what else is gonna happen to me.

“You feeling alright today?” Bradie questioned sitting down beside me.

“Yeah, just felt a bit crook yesterday,” I lied, but I knew he could tell I wasn’t feeling 100% yesterday.

“You need to see a doctor, like now,” Bradie suddenly said becoming impatient.

In all honesty I never want to see a doctor. I don’t want my family and friends to have to shit out all this money for someone that’s just going to die anyway.

“I will soon, okay,” I assured him.

“No, please do it now,” he began, “if you do I’ll publically come out to our fans, everyone.”

“You can’t bribe me,” I smiled and added, “besides I wouldn’t want you to do that if you really wanted to.”

“Andy, you’re sick all the time, I can tell,” he started, “I know you don’t want to get help because you think you’ll be burdening your family and friends with treatment costs, but we don’t care about money, we just want you to not go through the pain. It doesn’t matter what happens in the end, we’d just like to know you went without feeling like you were dying.”

How did he know that? Maybe just seeing what a doctor has to say won’t be too bad…


“So, what brings you here?” mum asked as I sat down next to her on the couch of the place I grew up in.

“Yeah, you missed my hockey match last week,” Liam piped in, “you’ve got some making up to do.”

“I can’t just come and see my family without there being a reason?” I questioned.

“No,” mum and Liam said in sync.

“Yeah, you’re right, there is a reason,” I replied.

“What is it?” mum asked in a worried tone.

“You’re gay, aren’t you?” Liam joked. I actually wonder how he’d feel when he finds out Bradie is…

“Um, Brooke’s pregnant,” I confessed waiting for their reactions.

“That’s great news!” mum embraced me tightly.

“It can’t be yours,” Liam laughed.

“So, where’s mum-to-be?” mum questioned.

Ugh, I was hoping no one would ask that.

“She wasn’t feeling too well this morning,” I lied.

“Because she has to look at your face every day,” Liam joked.

“Get out of here Liam,” I said sarcastically.

“Going,” he said as he walked off.

“Don’t say anything about this on Facebook!” I called out hoping he heard.

“So, you gonna tell me why she’s really not here?” mum questioned.

I’ve been caught, great.

“What do you mean?” I asked getting nervous.

“Shaun, I’ve raised you for the past twenty-two years, I can tell when you’re lying,” she replied.

“I just…” I didn’t know how to word it, “I fucked everything up.”

“You didn’t handle her telling you very well,” mum said putting her arm around me in a comforting way.

 “How did…” I was about to ask, but she cut me off.

“I’m your mum, I know everything,” she responded with a smile.

True. Mums seem to know everything.

“I still love her more than anything,” I said quietly as tears started falling down my face.

“Aw Shaun,” she pulled me into a hug.

I cried harder. It was just all these bottled up emotions, like stuff with Brooke then Andy. Just not knowing how long he’s gonna be around for was enough to set me off. I just wish it hadn’t been in front of my mum…

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