Chapter 5 - Pressured

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Andy hasn’t left me alone since he found out I was gay. He keeps saying I need to come out and not keep everything bottled up. He’s usually stupid and I’m the one giving him advice. But, I think he’s right. I mean, people that keep stuff bottled up become depressed and even end up committing suicide once they get to breaking point. I know I’m depressed, but I’m no way near suicidal. I don’t know what to do. I can’t tell Shaun because, well, I hate to say it but I feel like he’s the one who ‘turned me’. He’s my best mate and I don’t wanna date him or anything; I just feel attracted to him. I can’t have anything ruin our friendship, he can never find out. I know our fans won’t care, geez, some of them even want us to be gay. I could tell mum and dad, they’d be cool with it. Andy’s older sister, Lauren is a lesbian. They’re cool with that. But, how do you even say it? Do you just come out with it or make a whole big deal about it? God, I don’t know.

Shaun texted me today asking me if I was ready to talk about it. I just told him I wasn’t. I’m glad Andy hasn’t said anything. If it was anything else I know that he would told everyone right away; he loves to make my life miserable.

As I was deep in thought Andy barged into my room.

“Gee, care to knock next time?” I said sarcastically.

“Oh yeah, sorry, you could’ve been getting off to gay porn,” he joked and winked at me.

I just gave him a look and he knew he should get off that topic.

“Have you thought about telling mum and dad yet?” he questioned.

How’d I know his intrusion would be about coming out?

“Yep,” I answered.

“Really? Are you gonna do it?” Andy asked looking surprised.

“I think it’d be a good idea to tell them…” I answered nervously.

Andy’s face lit up and he grabbed me by the arm.

“What are you doing?” I questioned.

“You said you wanna tell them, so let’s do it!” Andy exclaimed pulling me out my bedroom door.

“Wait, wait!” I yelled and tried to get out of Andy’s grasp.

He stopped dragging me and looked at me strangely. He doesn’t understand how much courage it takes to tell anyone something this huge, let alone your parents. I remember about five or six years ago he flushed a condom down the toilet and it blocked the drain. He couldn’t even tell our parents what he did out of embarrassment. Compared to this, I’d gladly tell them I did it.

“Bradie, it’s the perfect time to tell them,” Andy started explaining, “Chris and Ashley aren’t here, so they’ll have all their focus on you.”

I gulped, he was right. If I couldn’t tell them now, I’d never be able to do it.

“I’ll be with you for moral support, okay,” Andy reassured me patting my back.

He was being so amazing about this. Who would’ve thought Andy could be serious with anything?

I walked into the living room with Andy following closely behind. I cleared my throat and my dad and Andy’s mum looked at me. Oh god, how am I gonna do this?

“Dad, mum…,” I started and Andy put his hand on my shoulder, “I have to tell you something.”

“What is it?” Andy’s mum looked to both me and Andy knowing something was up.

I took a deep breath, here it goes…

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