Chapter 11 - No Regrets

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I was sitting on the bonnet of my car at the beach with the crisp night air blowing through my now shoulder length hair. I probably shouldn’t have reacted that way to Brooke, but I was just pissed about Bradie. He deserved it, right? I mean, geez, who knows how long he’s had a crush on me. It could’ve been way back when we first met in year seven. I was always sketchy about that purple phone case he had. He can be my friend when he gets over this thing he has for me. I don’t wanna have to worry about wearing tight jeans around him. He can be gay; sure, he can have a boyfriend, sure. If they legalise gay marriage in Australia I’ll be sure to attend the wedding.

Then there’s what happened with Brooke earlier. She’s pregnant? I’m gonna be a dad? I’m still a kid myself. I can’t be responsible for someone else’s life; I can barely take care of our dog, Honey! Someone as irresponsible as Andy would do a better job; he’s had the experience with Chris and Ashley. Me? I have no experience. Little kids hate me, except Chris, he seems to think I’m cool. I need to see Brooke; I need to talk to her about this.

I jumped off the bonnet and into my car heading to mine and Brooke’s house. I pulled into our driveway and her car was still there, yes, she’s home. I ran to the door, surprisingly it was locked, weird; we never lock it when we’re home. I quickly unlocked it and stepped inside. I looked around for a bit and I couldn’t find her. Maybe she got one of her friends to pick her up after I was such an arse.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket; it read “thirty-two missed calls”. All of them from Brooke, Bradie and Andy. I forgot that I put my phone on silent after the threatening message from Andy earlier today.

It said I had a few texts too, I just opened the first one; from Andy…

“Congrats on putting your girlfriend in hospital, arsehole”

What? Brooke’s in hospital? Did me yelling at her before do that? Enough thinking about it, I ran outside to my car as fast as I could and sped off to the nearest hospital going at least fifty kilometres over the speed limit. I just had to see her, to make sure she was alright.


I was sitting outside Brooke’s room while Bradie was still inside. Honestly, I tried listening in on their conversation, but these hospital walls are even more soundproof than the ones at our recording studio. I slumped back in my chair then all of a sudden I hear someone loudly running up the hall. They ran over to the counter directly in front of me, I could just see the back of him, but I could tell who it was straight away.

“I need to see Brooke Leishman!” the voice demanded at the receptionist, I know that voice too well.

“Are you a family member?” the receptionist asked kindly.

“I’m her boyfriend!” Shaun answered loudly; I knew this was my turn to step in.

“Not anymore,” I stated standing up from my seat.

Shaun turned around confused as to who would’ve said something like that. He saw me and walked up to me quickly.

“Is she in there?” Shaun pointed to the room Brooke was in.

“What’s it to you?” I said back angrily.

“She’s my girlfriend, dickhead,” he responded clearly annoyed.

“Yeah, what type of guy would treat their girl like you did?” I questioned, “she told you she’s having your kid and you just piss off and leave her to nearly miscarriage, some boyfriend.”

“Look Andy, you’ve got no idea, right,” he started, but I didn’t want to hear any more of what this fuckhead had to say and I hit him square in the eye.

He fell back on the floor groaning and holding his right eye. I saw the receptionist pick up her phone ready to call security, but I walked over to her.

“Don’t bother, I’m leaving,” I smirked at her as she put the phone down.

“What about your friend?” she questioned looking at Shaun who was slowly regaining himself.

“He’s not my friend anymore, just let him go grovel to his girlfriend,” I said with little emotion and took one last look at Shaun who was kneeling on the floor, still holding his eye and staring at me like he couldn’t believe what I said. I turned around and walked out with no regrets for what I had done or said…

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