Chapter 7 - Shaun Finds Out

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“But, why do I have to leave?” I questioned when Brooke tried pushing me out the door.

“Just because, um,” it sounded like she didn’t know what she was talking about, “you should spend time with Bradie and Andy.”

“Seriously? That’s the best you can think of?” I laughed, “It’s Wednesday, weren’t we meant to talk today?”

“Yeah, not yet though,” she explained, she looked really stressed and she was pretty sick this morning too, “tonight.”

“I don’t understand why you can’t just tell me, babe?” I looked at her questionably.

“Please, it has to be tonight, it’s pretty big,” Brooke explained as she looked at the ground.

I sighed. What could be so big that she couldn’t tell me about right here, right now? Oh well, I should leave, she looked desperate.

“Okay, I’ll go hang with Bradie or something,” I kissed her on the lips, “call me when you’re ready to talk.”

“Thank you,” she kissed me back, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I kissed her again and headed for my car.

I drove to Gorokan and into Bradie and Andy’s driveway. I was keen to talk to Bradie; hoping he was ready to talk about whatever’s going on with him now. I knocked on the door and Bradie’s dad, Gerald answered it.

“Hey Gerald, Bradie or Andy here?” I asked.

“Nah, I told them to go to Coles to pick up a few things,” he explained, “they’ll be back soon, so just come in.”

“Thanks,” I walked in and Chris came running up to me.

“Shaun!” he yelled in excitement as he hugged me.

“Hey dude,” I hugged him back.

He ran off to his room and I sat down on the couch and Gerald sat across from me.

“So, I suppose you’re here to talk to Bradie about his coming out,” Gerald started, “I’m sure you’re fine with the whole gay thing, but if you’re not, please go easy on him.”

What? Coming out? Gay? Bradie?

“Is this a joke?” I asked, I assumed he was just kidding around.

“Huh?” Gerald seemed confused.

“Bradie’s not gay,” I stated. I knew Bradie wasn’t gay. If he was I’d be the first to know.

“Yeah, he is,” Gerald explained, “he came out yesterday, silly.”

“What?” I was starting to think he wasn’t joking.

“Oh, you didn’t know…” Gerald looked uncomfortable, “I don’t think I was meant to tell you.”

At that second Bradie and Andy loudly came through the front door holding shopping bags. Bradie looked over at me and then his dad. I think he knew Gerald had said something.

“Bradie…” I started he ran off to his room and slammed the door.

“Did you tell Shaun?” Andy questioned Gerald.

“Well, yeah, I thought he knew already,” Gerald explained.

“Bradie was pretty against telling him,” Andy added.

“So, Bradie’s gay?” I questioned still really confused about the situation.

“Yeah,” Andy and Gerald answered at the same time.

I nodded and walked off to Bradie’s room and knocked on his door.

“Bradie, it’s me, Shaun,” I said through his door.

He didn’t answer back so I just walked in. What I saw broke my heart, Bradie sitting on his bed, his head in his hands, crying his eyes out. I sat down next to him on his bed and put my arm around him.

“You know I don’t care about that stuff,” I assured him rubbing his back, “is this why you’ve been so upset lately?”

He nodded.

“How long have you felt like this?” I questioned, “being gay I mean.”

Wow, I could’ve worded that better.

“Not long,” he answered finally lifting his head up, I smiled at him.

“Why didn’t you wanna tell me?” I asked, he’d always tell me stuff first.

“I just…” he started, “I didn’t know how you’d take it.”

“I love you, I don’t care if you’re gay, bi or straight,” I stated, “just as long as you’re Bradie.”

He smiled at me. I haven’t seen him smile in ages; it meant the world to me.

“So, mind telling me how you found out?” I questioned, I didn’t care if he was gonna talk to me about some guy. I just wanted him to talk to me.

“I just got really confused about someone…” he started.

“Ooo, who?!” I got intrigued.

“Um, well…” he stopped and looked me directly in the eyes.

I didn’t know why he was staring at me, until my brain clicked…

“Me?!” I questioned, “you have a crush on me?!”

“Yeah…” he answered nearly in a whisper.

“Dude, I’m not gay!” I nearly yelled getting up from the bed.

“I know…” he started, but I wouldn’t let him finish.

“You’ve gotta get over it!” I full on yelled this time Bradie was starting to look scared.

“I can’t help it…” Bradie said, tears welling up in his eyes.

“Then just stay away from me until you’re over it!” I yelled as I quickly left his room and headed outside to my car. Bradie ran after me yelling my name.

“Shaun!” he yelled with tears in his eyes standing outside my car as I started the engine, “I’m sorry!”

I wasn’t gonna have any of that. I reversed out of his driveway and sped up the road. My best friend, a guy, having a crush on me. No way, I need to get away from here.

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