Chapter 10 - Bradie Confesses

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After Brooke had passed out again Andy and I decided to take her to the hospital. Both of us had been continually calling Shaun and leaving him messages since Brooke had gone into one of the wards to get checked by a doctor. I honestly couldn’t see anything Shaun could’ve done physically to hurt her. It wouldn’t be like Shaun to hit a woman or anything anyway. It’s probably just something up with her, nothing Shaun did. I remember Shaun saying she had been sick lately…

“When’s the doctor gonna get the fuck out of that room?” Andy angrily slumped into the chair next to me.

“They have to check her over properly,” I answered.

“Yeah?” Andy looked at me, “that shouldn’t take long.”

“Well Andy, you did come in demanding that she see a doctor because she was bashed by a guy,” I started looking at him, “so they have to check everything, like even if she was raped or something.”

“Wouldn’t put that past him…” I heard Andy say under his breath.

“Just shut up,” I slumped further into my chair.

He shook his head and said something about needing to piss and walked off.

We waited another twenty minutes until the doctor that was checking Brooke over came out of the room she was in. Andy and I both stood up desperate to know what happened.

“Okay boys, she wasn’t beaten at all,” the doctor explained sternly looking at Andy.

“So what happened?” I asked.

“Are either of you Miss Leishman’s boyfriend?” the doctor asked looking at both of us.

“Her boyfriend’s a dickhead…” Andy muttered under his breath and I nudged him with my elbow in his ribs.

“No, we’re just friends,” I answered, “why?”

“Well, this might surprise you, but while performing her pelvic exam I discovered that she’s pregnant,” the doctor explained.

Andy and I both looked at each other quite shocked. She’s pregnant?

“How far along?” Andy questioned.

“About six weeks,” the doctor answered looking at his notes from the examination.

“So, I don’t understand,” I started, “why’d she pass out twice?”

“Stress and shock I’d say,” the doctor answered.

“Is the baby okay?” Andy asked.

“Fine, she just needs to stay away from stressful situations,” the doctor explained, “next time it could be a miscarriage.”

“Can we see her?” I questioned.

“Of course, just don’t overwhelm her too much,” the doctor explained opening the door, “by the way, will her boyfriend be coming in?”

“Um, we’re working on that,” I answered stepping into her room.

The doctor nodded and closed the door for our privacy.

“Hey Brooke,” I smiled sitting beside her bed glad to see she was awake.

“Hey,” she said groggily, “where’s Shaun?”

“Um, not here,” I looked at Andy begging him with my eyes to not say anything that will upset her.

“Why?” she questioned looking upset.

“We don’t know,” I responded, “Brooke, the doctor told us something…”

“What did he say?” she asked looking at both Andy and I.

“Um, you’re pregnant,” I confessed, “did you know?”

“Yes,” she looked down at her stomach, “is the baby okay?”

“Yeah, it’s fine, but what happened with you and Shaun when he came back?” I questioned, I didn’t wanna stress her out, but we needed to know.

She immediately looked upset, something bad happened.

“You don’t have to talk about it yet if you don’t want to,” I put my hand on her shoulder.

“No, it’s okay,” she started, “he came back and he was really angry, he wasn’t acting right. I sat him down and told him about…” she looked down at her stomach and I knew what she was talking about, “he got worse then. I thought he’d be supportive about it, but he just got in his car and drove off. That’s all I remember.”

“That’s when you passed out?” I asked, she nodded.

“So he didn’t hit you or anything?” Andy questioned.

“No, no matter how angry Shaun is he’d never do that,” she answered, “why did he come back so pissed anyway? Did something happen between you guys?”

“Uh, Andy can you please leave,” I suddenly said, but I didn’t want him to hear what I was going to tell her. It was going to be hard enough on mine and her friendship let alone us three guys.

“Why?” Andy questioned.

“Please, I just don’t want to overwhelm her, okay?” I pleaded and thankfully he opened the door and stepped outside.

“Why’d Andy have to go?” Brooke asked confused with it all.

“Just because I don’t want him to hear this,” I started, “so um, look I’m gay, I’ve already came out to my parents, Andy and Shaun.”

“What?” she seemed shocked, I know everyone will be when they find out.

“It’s true, you okay with that?” I asked a bit worried.

“Of course,” she grabbed my hand and smiled, “but, I still don’t understand why Shaun was so angry, he’s okay with gays...”

“Yeah about that…” I gulped, I was about to tell her I have a crush on her boyfriend, “well, when I was talking to Shaun about it I told him that it was a person that changed me…”

“Aww, who?” Brooke questioned thinking it was cute.

I looked her directly in the eyes. At first she didn’t know what I was doing then a few seconds later she gasped letting go of my hand in the process.

“Shaun?” she questioned extremely shocked.

I put my head down and nodded. Now she’ll hate me too. Fantastic. In just a few hours I lose two amazing friends. I’m on a roll. As I was mind-bullying myself she grabbed my hand again. I looked up at her, she smiled.

“You don’t care?” I asked shocked.

“No,” she answered, that was like music to my ears, “I can understand why you’d have a crush on him.”

“Yeah?” I looked at her confused.

“Well, he’s pretty damn sexy, who wouldn’t have a crush on him?” she laughed.

I laughed with her. This is so awesome that she’s okay with this.

“So, have you tried calling Shaun?” she questioned me.

“Yeah, Andy and I have been constantly since we brought you here,” I answered.

“Care if I do?” she asked.

“Go ahead, but aren’t you pissed at how he treated you?” I questioned.

“Of course, I’m not just gonna forgive him like that,” she responded.

I smiled. I wish Shaun had reacted this way when I told him. Just made a big joke out of it and moved on… 

The Back Of My Headحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن