Chapter 18 - Making Up And Test Results?

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I woke up from the second night I’d spent on the couch. I rubbed the back of my neck, it was really feeling it. I don’t know how many more nights I can spend on this uncomfortable lump of fabric. I stretched my arms out behind my head feeling them crack. I wonder how long this will last. It’s not like I really did anything to hurt Brooke or anything. I just believe it’s because of her abusive ex from when she was a teenager. Brought back bad memories I suppose? Oh well, there’s no use feeling sorry for myself. I got up walked to the kitchen and turned the stove on. Another ‘I’m sorry’ day in the works.

About fifteen minutes later I heard the footsteps of someone entering the kitchen. I looked up from my cooking and saw Brooke still looking half asleep.

“Morning beautiful,” I greeted her going back to my cooking.

“Morning,” she yawned, “what’re you doing?”

“Making you breakfast,” I replied.

“Why?” she asked running a hand through her messy bed hair.

“Because I can,” I said with a smirk.

“You didn’t have to,” she smiled and sat down at the table.

“So, no morning sickness this morning?” I looked over at her.

She shook her head and collapsed her arms and face on the table.

Well, that’s fucking adorable. I finished dishing up her breakfast and sat it in front of her. God, please appreciate this.

“Bacon?” she questioned.

“Well yeah…” I answered noticing her skin go clammy.

“Oh Shaun!” she exclaimed as she dashed off towards the bathroom.

I power walked after her to only get the bathroom door slammed in my face.

“Babe, what’s…” I didn’t even get to ask my question as I heard her puking her guts up.

I know it’s disgusting, but I wasn’t gonna just leave her alone. I opened the door and sat with her the entire time she was emptying her stomach, holding her hair back in the process. I honestly felt like throwing up myself just seeing it, so I turned my attention to the ceiling. After a while I felt her collapse onto me.

“Ugh, that was horrible,” she groaned into my shoulder.

“Yeah, no kidding,” I replied helping her up, “so, bacon can go on the list of things that make you chuck your guts up?”

“That’s been on the list for a while,” she answered flushing the toilet, “I reckon we can put eggs on that list too.”

“Sorry, I should’ve known,” I apologised; every guy loves to hear they make their girlfriend throw up.

“I didn’t tell you, how were you supposed to know, silly?” she ruffled my hair, “thank you for staying with me.”

She smiled at me and I saw that spark we used to have before I went away to the studio for a couple of weeks. But, that was short lived as she pushed me out of the bathroom.

“Sorry, gonna have a shower,” she smirked as she closed the door on me.


I was so nervous. I had just gotten my letter with the results of my tests on it. I’ve never been this nervous before, not my first day of high school or going on stage, which was weird because I usually felt like I was going to faint. I walked into Bradie’s room where he was chilling on his bed playing Spiderman. God, we are poor excuses for adults. I sat on his bed next to him and cleared my throat. He looked up at me and saw the letter in my trembling hands.

“Hey is that…?” he asked as he sat up.

“Yep,” I answered quickly.

He slid next to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

“Are you gonna open it?” he questioned pointing to the unopened letter in my shaking hands.

There’s no way I could open this even if I wanted to. My hands were shaking more than when I got Maurice tattooed on my wrist and boy was I shaking then!

“I…I can’t,” I responded my voice cracking.

“I’ll do it for you?” Bradie looked at me.

I nodded my head and handed him the letter. I collapsed my head in my hands. That piece of paper determines my whole future.

Bradie ripped the envelope open and skimmed over the paper quickly. His face was emotionless. It was hard to tell what he was thinking. Please let me be okay, please.

Suddenly he dropped the paper and looked at me for a second. What? What does this mean? He wrapped his arms around me tightly. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Does this mean the tests came back positive?

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