Chapter 32 - Was It Really This Bad?

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There. I think I’ve perfected the music video. Wow, it only took me eight hours solid work. Something like this would usually take a week at the minimum. I stood up from my desk and a huge wave of dizziness came over me and I fell to the floor with a thud. I slowly sat up holding my aching head. It’s just dizziness from sitting in front of the computer for so long, I’ll be fine. I used my bed for support to pull myself up to sit on it. I used all my strength, it felt like I was losing feeling in my right arm too. I looked down at my hands, they were shaking uncontrollably again. I felt my sweaty forehead, my temperature seemed to be sky high too. My head felt like I had skulled a slushie and got major brain freeze. Usually that kind of thing would’ve gone away after five seconds, for me it just stayed there. I think this is it, my time has come…

I dragged myself back over to my desk and grabbed a pen and piece of paper. I tried to keep my hand as steady as I could when I scribbled a little note down. I dropped the pen from my sweaty hand when I was done. I left the note on the keyboard, so someone would find it. I stumbled out of my room and down the hallway to the bathroom. I basically had to drag myself in there and close the door. I pulled myself up with the counter and reached for the medicine cabinet. I looked around at everything in there, Vicodin seemed to be the strongest. I reached for the container and slumped against the bathtub ready to end all this pain.


I woke up at around two in the morning hearing some thumping around. I slowly got out of bed curious as to who was up at this hour. I walked down the hallway seeing Andy’s bedroom door was open. I walked in seeing that no one was in there, his computer was on though. I looked at the screen, it seems like he’s finished ‘SOUL’. Geez, he didn’t have to do it that fast I smiled to myself. Then I looked down and saw a self-written note on the keyboard. I picked it up and my heart jumped into my throat as I read the words…

I can’t take the pain anymore.

I’m so sorry.

Love Andy x

What?! Where the hell is he?! When was this written?! Maybe it’s too late…

I thought of the first logical thing, the bathroom. I dropped the piece of paper and ran for the bathroom. When I got there the door was closed. I was scared to open it. What if he’s already done it? I swallowed hard and pushed the door open…

There I saw Andy on the floor struggling to get the lid off of some container which I presumed was painkillers. He looked up and saw me, but he didn’t stop his suicide attempt.

“I can’t get the stupid cap off!” he cried out in frustration.

I ripped the pills from his hands, he didn’t seem to have any strength.

“Give them back, please!” he cried tears staining his face.

“I’m not gonna let you kill yourself!” I yelled back at him.

“Whoa, what’s going on?!” dad questioned appearing in the doorway.

“Andy, he was trying to…” I couldn’t even say it, so I just held up the container.

“Wait, did he?” dad asked looking at Andy behind me.

“No…” I replied and turned around seeing Andy unconscious on the bathroom tiles, “he was awake before!”

“Are you sure he didn’t take any?!” dad questioned in full alarm kneeling next to Andy.

“Yes! He couldn’t get the cap off when I found him!” I answered looking down at them.

“We need to get him to a hospital right now…” dad said as he felt Andy’s pulse.


I was awoken by my phone ringing beside me. I looked at the time, two-thirteen. This better be good I thought as I answered it.

“Hello,” I groggily said still half asleep.

“Shaun, its Bradie! You have to get to the hospital now!” he yelled right into my ear.

“Whoa Bradie, calm down, what’s going on?” I questioned, he was hysterical.

“It’s Andy, he tried to kill himself! Now he won’t wake up!” he replied.

“Fuck, okay I’ll be there!” I hung up and quickly jumped out of bed.

I threw on the first pair of jeans and shirt I could find, I was wide awake now.

“Shaun, what’s going on?” Brooke asked sitting up in bed rubbing her eyes.

“It’s Andy, he’s at the hospital, I have to see him,” I explained.

“Wait, I’m coming!” she said getting out of bed.

“No, you just stay here, get some rest,” I told her putting my hands on her shoulders, “bub needs it.”

“I want to be there for Andy too,” she demanded, “I’m coming, okay.”

She quickly threw on the first clothes she could find too and we quickly made our way to my car.

I should’ve listened to Bradie today when he said Andy didn’t seem right…

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