Chapter 29 - Telling The Family

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“This looks so rad,” Shaun smiled admiring the walls of the band room.

We had spent the whole day perfecting everything for a full day of shooting tomorrow. Our fans are starting to get upset thinking we’re breaking up. Little did they know we already were. I didn’t know who it would be harder to break the news to, the fans or our managers. I know Chris and Trevor still have Because They Can and Die For You, but we made the most money for them. I’m just hoping the fans can keep the sales up with the other bands so Chris and Trevor don’t go bust.

“Guys, we haven’t talked about what we’re gonna do with Art Vandelay,” I said suddenly.

“Should we release it?” Andy asked looking at Shaun.

“Why are you both looking at me?” he questioned, “it’s not just my decision to make.”

“Maybe we should let Trevor and Chris decide,” Andy suggested.

“I’m cool with that,” I agreed and Shaun nodded.

Suddenly dad appeared in the doorway and I thought he was going to say something about Andy after my big mouth let everything out last night.

“Looks great boys, but why on earth is it spray painted?” he questioned not knowing about the break up or the idea for ‘SOUL’ Andy had.

“Gerald, I know you know,” Andy started, “and we have to break up because of it, but we thought we’d make one last music video to say thanks to the fans.”

“I love you, Andrew,” dad said sadly embracing him.

“I love you too, dad,” Andy mumbled into the hug.

Andy’s never called my dad his dad before. But, he has said many times that my dad was a better father to him than his ever was.

“I’m gonna tell the rest of the family tonight,” Andy said releasing from the embrace.

“Good idea,” dad smiled.

“And Shaun and Brooke are gonna take care of Ashley tonight,” I added with a smirk.

“Why on earth would you of all people want to do that?” he laughed at Shaun.

“Um, we weren’t gonna tell anyone else for a few more weeks,” he started, “but, we’re gonna have a baby.”

“Congratulations,” dad hugged Shaun; you could tell by his face he wasn’t expecting it.

“Thanks, Andy says I need practice,” he said looking at Andy.

“Yeah, he thinks all babies just sleep through the night without waking up,” Andy laughed.

“Yep, you’ve got a lot to learn,” dad laughed shaking his head.


“Andrew,” mum got up and hugged me tightly with tears pouring down her face, “you should’ve said something sooner.”

“I did, Bradie and Shaun have known for a while,” I replied, “but, before you go off at them for not saying anything, I pretty much forced them not to say anything.”

“I wouldn’t have gone off at them anyway,” mum released from our embrace, “are you sure that there’s nothing that can be done?”

“Positive,” I answered tears making their way down my face too.

“So, the next two months…” mum couldn’t even finish, but I knew what she meant.

I nodded and she embraced me again. I looked at Bradie and Shaun, they weren’t crying, I knew they were trying to stay strong and let the folks have their moment. I also told a lot of my friends today, Shannon treated it like it was his fault for getting me smashed most weekends. I still don’t think he’s completely convinced after I tried to tell him it’s no one’s fault for like an hour.

“Shaun and Brooke are gonna take care of Ashley tonight, just so we have nothing to worry about,” I explained and mum nodded, wow I didn’t think she’d agree to that.

“Come on Shaun, I’ll get her stuff for you,” Bradie said walking away.


“And that’s it,” I handed the last of Ashley’s stuff to Shaun.

“But, how do I know when to feed her and junk?” he asked looking overwhelmed.

“Every three hours, two hours from now, there’s a note in the bag anyway,” I assured him, “Andy put her car seat in before…”

I stopped; he looked so scared like he’d fuck it up.

“Oi, call me if you’re not sure about something,” I reassured him.

He nodded not looking any better.

“There’s one last thing…” I stated.

“What?” he asked.

“Her,” I answered picking her up and handing her to Shaun.

I took Ashley’s stuff off of him and just laughed at the sight of him holding her.

“She’s not a football,” I laughed; he had his arms outstretched like he didn’t want her near him, “you can hold her closer to you.”

“Shut up, okay,” he looked frustrated and held her like a normal person.

I think I’m gonna get a call from him every ten minutes all through the night…

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