Chapter 30 - What The Hell Are We Doing?

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I walked through the front door Ashley in my arms like a normal person unlike before. Brooke looked up from the couch with a confused look on her face.

“Well those last seven months or so went fast and I don’t even remember giving birth, I must’ve been really drugged up,” she joked looking at Ashley in my arms, “what’s she doing here?”

“Andy told his family tonight about…you know and they needed Ash out of the way for the night,” I explained.

“So we’re stuck with her for the whole night?” she looked scared, it matched me, “Shaun, we know nothing about babies.”

“I know, I wanted to help my friends out though,” I replied, “Bradie said we could call him anytime we’re not sure about something, and we really need practice.”

“True,” she laughed.

“Here, can you hold her?” I passed Ashley over to her, “I really need a shower.”

“Yeah, you’re covered in paint, grime and sweat,” she said looking me up and down, “it’d be attractive if you didn’t smell like a sewer.”

“Shut up, I was working hard all day,” I defended myself.

“Just go have a shower, the poor girl can’t stand the sight of you,” she smirked referring to Ashley.

“I’m going,” I laughed as I went up the stairs.


Where the hell is Shaun? I heard the water in the shower shut off twenty minutes ago. I looked at Ashley; she had been silent ever since Shaun brought her in. I was guessing she was just overwhelmed. She hadn’t really spent any time with either of us.

“Come on, let’s go find smelly Shaun,” I smiled walking up the stairs with her in my arms.

I walked into our bedroom to find Shaun lying on the bed, a towel wrapped around his waist, hair still damp on his head and fast asleep. It was seriously adorable, but there’s no way I’m just letting him sleep while I take care of the baby.

I walked back down the stairs and grabbed a cup of ice. This will be gold I thought as I walked back into the bedroom. I thought about just chucking the ice all over him, but that’d be too easy and it’d get the bed wet. I walked around to the other side of the bed and sat Ashley down next to me on it. I lifted up the towel at his waist and chucked the ice down the front of it. He woke up in a flash.

“Fuck!” he shouted standing up and pulling the ice out.

Ashley giggled uncontrollably; it was the cutest thing I’ve heard.

“Aw,” I picked her up and cuddled her.

“Why’d you do that?!” he shouted again still looking half asleep.

“She’s so cute,” I swooned at her smile.

“Oh, a baby’s here so we’ll just forget about Shaun and his frozen…” he started.

“Shhh,” I cut him off putting my hands over Ashley’s ears, “child in the room.”

“But, why’d you do it?” he complained with puppy dog eyes.

“Because you fell asleep leaving me with the baby,” I replied, “it was pretty funny.”

“I wasn’t asleep, I was just resting my eyes,” he lied.

“Yeah, okay,” I said knowing he was lying.

“Okay, I was, I’m just so tireddd,” he whined like a five year old.

“Neither of us are sleeping until she’s fed,” I explained.

“But, that’s like an hour away!” he complained.

“Yep, I think it’s fair though,” I smiled at him.

“But, I’m so exhausted,” he continued to complain.

Seriously, why am I having a baby? I already have a five year old here.

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