Chapter 8 - Shaun's Rage

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Friggin’ Bradie. I don’t care if he’s gay; he can fuck dudes all he wants, but having a crush on me? We’ve been friends for like nine years. Why’d he have to have a crush on me? We’re like brothers.

I pulled my car into the car park of the nearest deserted beach and put my head on the steering wheel. Why was this shit happening to me?


I was sitting in the doctor’s office nervously awaiting my results. If I am Shaun would be cool with it. There’s no way he’d react badly. We’ve been together for three years, I have complete faith in him that’ll he’ll be a great dad. But, I’d be completely happy if the results come back negative, actually, I’d be ecstatic. I wanna have kids when we actually plan it.

As I was pondering my thoughts the doctor who tested me came in.

“Great news Miss Leishman,” the doctor started, “the results came back positive.”

My heart sank. I was pregnant just because I forgot to take one of those damn pills last month.

“Wow,” I said with little emotion.

“I take it this wasn’t planned?” the doctor asked.

“Nope,” I replied.

“So the father’s a husband? Boyfriend? Or…” the doctor questioned.

“Boyfriend,” I answered.

“It should all be okay then,” the doctor smiled being a little too positive for my liking.

The doctor went through all the information I needed to know. Future appointments, pre-natal vitamins etc. All I could think about was telling Shaun; it has to be tonight, I promised.

I booked my next appointment for the first ultra-sound and left the clinic with my pre-natal vitamins. I got home and decided to give Shaun a ring. It rang out a few times then I got his voice mail. I rang a couple more times, but kept getting his voice mail. I decided to leave him a message; he’s probably having fun with his friends.

I put my phone down and looked around the house. It was a mess. I decided to clean it, then Shaun won’t have to worry about something else when he gets home. But, mostly I just needed something to keep myself busy; my mind was going crazy.


I honestly don’t know what to do. I can’t be around Bradie now. He’ll perv on me all the time. He’s probably been perving on me for months! It makes me sick to the stomach to think about it.

I looked over at my phone, it was blinking. It said I had six missed calls. Three from Brooke, two from Bradie and one from Andy. It said I had three voice messages too, one from each of them. I listened to the first one, it was Andy’s.

“What the fuck did you say to Bradie?! He’s in his room crying now, he won’t say anything but that he deserved what you said! I thought you were cool and didn’t care about people being gay! You’re a fuckin’ arse, Shaun, a real arse!”

Well, that made me feel a lot better. Stupid Andy has no idea.

I listened to the next one, it was Bradie’s.

“Shaun, I’m so, so sorry. I’ll get over this, I promise. I just can’t have you hating me; I won’t be able to get over it. Please just come back, so I can explain more. I don’t wanna be with you okay, I just wanna be over this already. I’m sorry.”

He seemed generally upset. I could tell he was crying through the whole message.

I still had one more message to go, Brooke’s.

“Hey babe, I’m ready to talk to you about what we needed to talk about. Come home unless you’re hanging out with your friends. Love you.”

She’s ready to talk about it now?! I can’t deal with this now. It’s probably something that’ll bring me to breaking point. Ugh, better go home and deal with this.

I pulled into the driveway of our apartment, not feeling ready at all for this.


I heard Shaun pull in, here it goes. He opened the door and pretty much slammed it shut. Something has definitely happened.

“Hey babe,” I smiled at him lightening the mood.

“Hey,” he walked right past me, no hug, no kiss, no anything.

 “Um, so did you get my message?” I asked pretending I wasn’t fazed by his odd behaviour.

“Yeah, so what the hell is it?” he questioned in an angry tone.

This isn’t Shaun. He’s acting weird, distant and pissed.

“Um, you should sit down,” I instructed, “it’s pretty big.”

“Just what I need today,” he sighed as he sat down.

“Are you okay?” I asked, he couldn’t act like this if I was gonna tell him.

“Fine, just what is it?” he answered getting impatient.

“Okay, um, you know how I’ve been sick lately…” I started.

“Yeah, that’s annoying,” he interrupted, what the hell is wrong with him?!

“Yeah, uh, I went to the doctor today and found out I’m pregnant,” I confessed.

“Wha...what?” he stuttered, he seemed shocked.

“I’m pregnant, you’re gonna be a daddy,” I smiled at him taking his hand and he quickly pulled me out of his grasp.

“How? I don’t…How did this happen?” he questioned.

“Well, last month I accidently missed one of my pills…” I began to explain.

“And you just let us have sex?!” he yelled, I was starting to get scared now.

“I didn’t think it’d matter, it was just one!” I exclaimed.

“How could it not matter?!” he continued to raise his voice, I was honestly scared for my life, tears started welling up in my eyes.

“Shaun…” I put my hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down, he shoved it off.

“Don’t touch me, alright!” he yelled and headed for the door.

“Shaun!” I yelled, tears in my eyes, “where are you going?!”

“Away from you!” he yelled back getting into his car and starting it up.

“But, Shaun!” I cried from the doorway as his car left the driveway, “I love you,” I whispered the last part.

I went inside, closed the door and gripped my stomach, it was starting to hurt.

That wasn’t my boyfriend that was just here, that wasn’t my boyfriend that reacted like that, that wasn’t my boyfriend that left me here crying. That was some evil, possessed guy. It wasn’t my Shaun. I couldn’t help but cry. Then I suddenly felt some horrible pain. It felt like someone had punched me in the stomach, then the world went black…

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