Chapter 20 - Real Friends

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I had just finished telling Shaun everything. He was quiet the whole time; he actually looked like he was on the verge of tears a few times. Everything was silent for what felt like ten minutes when in reality it was a few seconds as Shaun cleared his throat to speak.

“Andy, what…why didn’t you say anything earlier?” he questioned sounding genuinely upset.

“I didn’t wanna burden anyone until I was sure,” I answered, “I accidently told Bradie when I was off my head.”

“You wouldn’t have burdened us, we’re your friends, your family,” he replied.

“Shaun, you’re not so good with taking somewhat unexpected information in,” I began, “you freaked out when Bradie came out, you pissed off when Brooke told you she was knocked up. I couldn’t pile this on you too. I didn’t mean the stuff I said before, I still love you, you’re my best friend.”

“But, you should’ve told me before you went to the doctor, when you thought something was wrong,” Shaun wiped a tear out of the corner of his eye.

“Think about it, would you have said something?” I asked him.

“I guess not,” he responded, “when are you gonna see a doctor about treatment?”

“I’m not,” I answered truthfully.

“ANDY!” both Shaun and Bradie shouted at me.

“What?” I questioned even though I knew what they were gonna say.

“It’s cancer, it kills you that’s what,” Bradie replied.

“I know, it kills you with treatment too, there’s no cure for it, so what’s the point,” I indicated.

That stumped them. They sat there silently looking at each other.

Shaun got up and sat in between Bradie and I.

“It takes the edge off the pain and the length of survival will be longer,” Shaun looked me dead in the eyes, he had tears pouring down his face, “I want my kid to meet one of the most amazing guys I’ve had the privilege to be best mates with for the past ten years.”

That hit me. That hit me hard. Before I knew it I had tears running down my cheeks. Looking at Shaun and Bradie, they did too. Wow, this must look really stupid. Three dudes in their twenties balling their eyes out, that’s Funniest Home Videos material.  

“Please see someone about this, Andy,” Bradie sobbed.

“Yeah, just go see a doctor about what your options are,” Shaun sniffed, “that’s all we ask, okay.”

“Umm,” I didn’t know what to say, I didn’t really want to see a doctor when I already know what’s gonna happen.

“Please Andy,” Shaun cried into my shoulder.

Okay, this was killing me. Seeing people cry about me just makes me want to cry more. I swallowed my pride…

“I’ll do it,” I said suddenly.

“What?” Shaun questioned lifting his head off my shoulder.

“I’ll see a doctor,” I replied, “no promises that I’ll do what they suggest though.”

Shaun and Bradie both smiled through their tears.

“Thank fuck!” Shaun exclaimed as he embraced me tightly.

Bradie joined in on the hug too. This felt so weird, it was still nice though. These are real friends. Not just friends, they’re bandmates which makes them both family.

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