.1. Oh, what a wonderful life

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Birds chirped as sunlight flooded the small bedroom. The smell of coffee floated through the quite house, but nothing woke the sleeping Winchester until-

*beep, beep*

"Ugghhh." Dean groaned. The small, little clock that controlled his mornings practically full blasted it's annoying noises, repeatedly. "Oh my God, just shut the hell up..." Dean mumbled in his pillow. He shifted to silence the stupid clock and saw it was 6:30 in the morning. He smacked the snooze button before returning to his cozy spot in the bed. Dean laid there in his warm heaven, silently cursing the school system for making him get up this early. If he had his way, he would sleep in to dream more about his baby and food. Just driving done long, abandoned roads eating hamburgers and pie. Dean smiled at the thought. What a dream.

Dean slowly came back to reality and realized he should really start moving or Sam would kill him for letting them be late on their first day back to school. Groaning, Dean sat up, swinging his legs off the bed, his warm feet hitting the frigid floor. After the initial jolt of frustration, Dean stood up and walked over to his messy closet. He slowly threw on a pair of jeans and an old band t-shirt with a plaid shirt over it. He laced up his old army boots and ruffled his bed head, trying to get his preferred spike at the front.

Once he finished, Dean stumbled out of his room, still groggy from sleep. He walked down the hall until stopping at a closed door. Suddenly, Dean started pounding on the door, almost breaking down his younger brothers door. "Wake up Sammy! You don't want to be late for school, do you?!" Yelled Dean. He heard shifting through the door and a silent groan before going downstairs to start breakfast.

The smell of coffee hit Dean again, but stronger this time. Knowing something was different today, Dean slowly walked into the kitchen to see his father, dressed in a suit and reading the newspaper while drinking a large cup of coffee. John Winchester glanced up and smiled a small smile, "Morning, son." Dean glared at him, walking passed him to grab his mug from the cupboard. "Dad." Dean's voice was sharp and ice cold as he poured himself coffee, noticing his father sigh behind him. "Dean, look at me, please."

"What?" Dean grunted, turning around to face a sad looking John. "Dean, what happened to us? Why don't you like my visits anymore?" John asked, pain clear in his voice. Dean huffed, laughing dryly. "Maybe because they shouldn't be visits, Dad." Dean sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Ever since mom died, you've been so separated from Sam and I. I practically raised him myself while you drank yourself into oblivion." John shock his head, standing up and walking around the small kitchen island. "Dean, I've changed. I'm not that person anymore. I got this job for you boys to have a better life." Dean had to look away from his father's pleading eyes. "Yes, you got a job, but we never see you anymore. You're always away and you miss so much of what's happening in our lives." John mumbles something, before shaking his head again. "No I don't. I try to keep up with you boys."

Dean's frown deeps. "Oh really? Then what's important about today?" John pauses to think, looking confused. "Today?" He asks. Dean nods, practically fuming with anger. "Well, um, summer ended..," John mumbled. Dean laughed darkly, "Wow, yes, summers over. That's what's so important about today! How about the fact that today is Sam's first day at high school! He was practically jumping up and down last time you visited, talking all about it months ago." John stared guiltily at Dean before looking over at the stairs, both of them hearing Sam patter around upstairs.

"You know what, we don't need this. Please just go before he comes down and ruin his day."

John sighs sadly, walking over to Dean and patting his shoulder. "I'm sorry for not being the father you both deserve." Dean watches his father carefully as John reaches into his pocket, pulling out an envelope.

"Here." John places the envelope into Deans hands before grabbing his coat and briefcase. "Call me if you need to talk, and tell Sammy I love him."

Dean nods, and watches John leave. As he glances at the envelope still in his hands, he hears a car starting and drive away. Slowly, Dean opens it, revealing about $500 in cash with a small note. 'Stay safe and if you need more, call me. Love you boys-'

Deans sighs, leaning on the counter for support. Only does the sound of Sam's voice make him move again. "Dean, who was that?" Sam calls from upstairs. "I'll tell you later." He shouts back. Dean pulls out $50 and then walks over to the small closet in the front hall, opening the door to reveal a small safe on the floor. After typing the 10 digit code, Dean places the rest of the money next to other stacks of money.

Dean swings the safe closed and closes the door.

"Come on Sammy, hurry up!" Dean calls, grabbing his small worn bag, his jacket and an apple. "I'm coming! Jeez, hold your horses, you jerk." Mumbled Sam, running down the stairs with his backpack in tow. "Here, bitch," Dean hands Sam the apple and ruffles his hair. Sam grins and takes a bite of the apple while walking out of the house, Dean closing the front door and locking it. They both slide into the Impala, throwing their stuff in the backseat, and Dean pulls his wallet out, placing the money in it. Sam glances at the money before looking back at Dean. "Dad came home?" Sam asks, his voice small.

Dean nodded. "Not for long, but he wanted to wish you a good first day at high school." Sam smiled wide. "He remembered?" Sam asks, grinning like a puppy. Dean smiled back. "Yeah," he mumbled before starting the ignition and pulling out of their driveway, turning and driving the car towards the nearby high school.

After a few minutes of silence, the school came into view, earning a groan from Dean but a huge smile from Sam.

Dean pulled the car up to the front of the building to drop Sam off, after Sam hassled him to do so. Sam yelled a thanks before jumping out of the car and running over to a group of freshman. They all smiled at Sam in welcome. Dean grinned and drove off to the student parking lot, quickly finding a spot and parking. As he walked to the school, he thought about how Sam's grown into a real nerd. He chuckled realizing he was to fault since he did raise him.

Ever since their mothers death when Dean was a kid, not even 7 yet, their father became real distant causing Dean to stand up and be the father figure to Sam. Now a days, John only visited 3 months at a time, always on business trips to pay the bills, as he put it, but leaving Dean and Sam to fend for themselves. The only good thing that came out of this was that Dean didn't have to worry about the bills for the house or for his precious car. They always seemed payed for when Dean checked them. Another good thing was the envelope John always brought with him, containing large amounts of money to keep food on the table. However, unbeknownst to John, Dean saved most of the money for Sam's future college tuition.

As Dean entered the school, he just kept telling himself one more year and then he's free. Dean couldn't wait to graduate and leave this hell hole of a school behind him.

What could happen in one year? Dean thought to himself.

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