.17. My demons

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Hey guys! 

Hope your enjoying the story cause I'm going to continue writing it. After talking to a friend, I have some new ideas for where this story can go. I'm so excited! Also, I just realized Dean and Cas aren't in a relationship per say right now, so that needs to change. But personally, I've never believed in fast moving relationships, they always seem too cheesy and weird so I'm going to slowly have them realize they have feelings for each other. Thanks!


//Cas POV//

My eyes flutter open to reveal the dark basement. "What? Why am I here again?" I ask into the darkness. No one answers until the room is filled with a non-human laughter, chilling me to the bone. It reminds me of a hyena laughing hysterically. Something starts to move towards me, a dark figure stepping carefully around the pools of blood on the floor. 

I look down to see my arms are tied down and gushing blood. Just like on that God awful night. I scream for help, but no sound escapes my lips.

The figure moves closer, shushing me softly. "There's no point. Your going to die anyway. You will never see the light of day again. You will never feel the warmth of the sun again. You will never understand the feelings you have for Dean. Not until it's too late." I stare up at the dark figure, not understanding what it's meaning.

It moves down to my arms and digs it's claws? into my wounds, causing them to gush blood even more than before. I scream out in pain as my blood starts to pool around me. It steps back and turns away, but then stops. "See you tomorrow, Castiel." It says before disappearing. 

I look around for it but my blood continues to rise around me, starting to reach my chin. How do I have this much blood? And what was that figure? What did it mean it was going to see me tomorrow? The blood reaches my head, the dark and sticky blood blinding me and rushing down my throat as I scream for help. For anyone.

I feel my body shaking, it being suffocated by my own blood. What a way to go. My body shakes violently again and I start to hear muffled screams yelling my name. What's happening to me?

My eyes fly open, revealing Dean staring at me. He had his hands on my shoulders and looked panicked by something. "Are you okay?" Dean asks looking into my eyes. "Yeah, why?" I ask, catching my breath. I look down and realize I'm covered in sweat and I'm still gasping for air. "Cas, I just had to shake you awake. You were screaming for help and then started to gasp for air like you were suffocating. It scared the shit out of me! What happened?" Dean says, watching me closely. 

I just sit there though, remembering. It was just a nightmare. A very livid one. I look back up at Dean who's still staring at me, waiting for an answer. Suddenly, the doctor comes running into the room with a few nurses. "What happened? We heard shouting from here." The doctor says as he walks over to check my monitor. "I just had a nightmare." I say softly, but it was enough for everyone to turn and look at me. They seemed like they wanted me to explain, but I didn't. I don't want to remember that horror fest. 

The doctor sighs and walks out of the room, followed by the nurses. Dean looks back at me with a questioning face. "I don't want to talk about it." I say, leaning back against the bed, turning away from Dean. 

"Cas?" Dean asks softly. "Yeah?" I say in almost a whisper. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asks, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine." 


//Dean POV// 

Cas was released the day after his nightmare. I talked with the doctor, wanting to know what I could do for him. If there was anything I could do. "He's physically healthy now, but I'm worried about his mental stability. After a traumatic experience like the one he went through, he might experience more nightmares again. All anyone can do now is help him through this hard time. Maybe you can try to get him to talk about his nightmares and get him to conquer his demons." The doctor said before walking away. 

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